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词汇 水里
例句 They threw it in the water to see if it would float.他们把它扔到水里,看它会不会浮起来。The bath crystals make the water fizz up.浴盐让水里嘶嘶地冒出了气泡。She dunked the dish in the rinse water.她把碟子浸泡在洗涤水里I have to hold my nose when I jump into water.当我跳到水里时必须捏住鼻子。He came up from the water, greedily gulping in air.他从水里冒出头来,贪婪地大口吸着气。The water was found to contain traces of cocaine.发现水里含有微量可卡因。I dunked my head under the water and scrubbed at my hair.我把头浸到水里揉搓头发。The little boy sat at the edge of the pond, totally absorbed in watching the fish.小男孩坐在池塘边沿上,出神地看着水里的鱼儿。I could see small silvery fish darting through the water.我可以看到银闪闪的小鱼在水里箭也似地穿梭游动。A man who was passing saved her life by pulling her out of the water.一个过路者把她从水里拉上来,救了她的命。She dived in and swam out to the yacht.她跳进水里,游向游艇。The kids love playing in the water.孩子们喜欢在水里玩。He disappeared into the water with a splash.他扑通一声跳进水里不见了。The majority of amphibians mate in water.大部分两栖动物在水里交配。Immersed, he soaked until his skin started to wrinkle.他泡在水里,直到皮肤开始起皱。He let his fingers trail in the water.他把手伸进水里,任水流滑过指间。He soused me head and ears into a pail of water.他把我的头整个地按进一桶水里The water was full of flotsam and refuse.水里漂满了垃圾和废物。At the sight he threw himself headlong into the water.看了这情景,他立即纵身跳进水里She trailed her fingers through the water.她把手伸进水里,任水从指间流过。He immersed his feet in water.他把脚浸在水里He grabbed hold of a tree branch and pulled himself out of the water.他抓住一根树枝,从水里爬了出来。Dip the bread briefly in water, then squeeze it dry.将面包在水里快速蘸一下,然后将它挤干。The shark will be on the take in the water.那条鲨鱼将在水里伺机吞噬猎物。Poach the salmon in white wine and water.把三文鱼放在白葡萄酒和水里煨。He was ankle-deep in water.他站在深及脚踝的水里They said he'd been held under the water and drowned.他们说他被按到水里淹死了。We fenced off the pool in case the children should fall in.我们在池边筑了栅栏以免孩子掉进水里The machine is totally submerged in water.这台机器完全浸没在水里Liz laughed again, got up from the water and began to dry herself.利兹又笑了,从水里站起来开始擦干身上的水。He pulled himself out of the water.他抓住东西从水里爬了出来。I dropped the pebble in the water, sending ripples across the pond.我往水里扔了一块鹅卵石,池塘里泛起一圈圈小波纹。Smith Point is a small piece of land extending a hundred yards or so into the water.史密斯岬角是伸入水里一百码左右的一小块土地。Those in the water tried to hold on to the boats that were still afloat.那些掉在水里的人拼命想攀住仍未下沉的船只。I stepped experimentally into the icy water.我试探性地趟入冰冷的水里Two sailors were swept overboard by the wave.两名水手被海浪从船上卷入水里Test your brakes after driving through water.水里开过之后要验验刹车。The child was in imminent danger of falling into the water.那小孩随时都有掉进水里的危险。We still rely on archaic analytical techniques to test water for disease.我们仍然依赖过时的分析技术来检测水里是否含有病菌。I bashed him on the head and dumped him in the cold, cold water.我猛击他的头部,然后把他扔进了冰冷冰冷的水里




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