例句 |
Helium is a gas at room temperature.氦在室温下是气态。The gaseous metal is put in a closed container and cooled so that it condenses into liquid zinc.气态金属被置于一个密封容器里冷却,让它凝成液态锌。Gasoline fumes are highly explosive.气态汽油极其易爆。Water may exist in a solid, liquid, or gaseous state.水可呈固态、液态或气态。Water exists in three states: liquid, gaseous, and solid.水有三种状态: 液态、气态和固态。Nitrogen seeps into voids in the foam as it converts from liquid to gas.氮气从液态变为气态时渗入到泡沫胶体的空隙。He heated these metals to convert them into a gas.他将这些金属加热,使之转为气态。The gaseous metal is cooled and condenses into liquid zinc.气态金属被冷却并冷凝成液态锌。Jupiter is a gas giant, made largely of liquid hydrogen so it's actually very light.木星是一颗主要由液氢组成的气态巨行星,因此实际上很轻。Matter exists in three states: solid, liquid and gas.物质以三种形态存在,即固态、液态和气态。 |