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词汇 Socialist Party
例句 He became the reconstructor of the French Socialist Party.他成了法国社会党的改造者。The Socialist Party won a landslide victory on a nationalist platform.社会党凭借民族主义政纲赢得了压倒性胜利。The ruling Socialist Party says the results are an endorsement of their policies.执政的社会党说这些结果是对自己政策的支持。To win the presidency he had first to outwit his rivals within the Socialist Party.要想赢得总统之位,他必须首先智取其在社会党内的竞选对手。Primakov was in Japan meeting with the chairwoman of the Socialist Party there.普里马科夫在日本会见日本社会党女主席。The Socialist Party was founded to give political expression to the working classes.社会党的创立是为了表达工人阶级的政治主张。Bulgaria's ruling Socialist Party (BSP) has lost its majority in parliament.保加利亚执政的社会党在议会中已经失去了大多数席位。No-one really expected the Socialist Party to win.没有人预期社会党获胜。They were members of the Marxist wing of the Socialist Party.他们是社会主义党中的马克思主义派成员。The Socialist Party has split into two opposing camps.社会党分裂成了两个对立的阵营。There is a mood of optimism among Socialist Party supporters tonight.今晚社会党的支持者中弥漫着一股乐观情绪。She has publicly proclaimed that the Socialist Party is passé.她公开声称社会党已是老古董。Since the job required that he be politically neutral, he had to sever his links with the Socialist Party.由于工作需要他在政治上保持中立,所以他不得不与社会党断绝联系。The Socialist Party was profoundly divided and hence very weak.社会党内部分歧严重,因此非常脆弱。




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