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词汇 民权运动
例句 The strike has taken on overtones of a civil rights campaign.罢工带上了民权运动的意味。He won a lifetime achievement award for his civil rights campaigning.他因为致力于民权运动而获得终生成就奖。He became the torchbearer for civil rights.他成为了民权运动的领袖。The U.S. civil rights movement achieved equal rights legislation for African-Americans.美国民权运动为非洲裔美国人争取到了平权立法。But the government's plans have run into strong opposition from civil rights campaigners.但是政府的计划意外遭到了民权运动人士的强烈反对。She was a leading protagonist in the civil rights movement.她是民权运动中的主要领导人物。She championed the cause of civil rights.她积极支持民权运动The civil rights movement marked a period of social upheaval in the U.S.民权运动标志了美国社会的一段动荡时期。He was a leading exponent of the civil rights movement.他是民权运动的主要支持者之一。The aim of the civil rights movement was to eliminate racial discrimination in all its forms.民权运动的目的是消灭各种形式的种族歧视。The civil rights movement attracted a large following in the northern cities.民权运动在北方城市吸引了大批的拥护者。Martin Luther King was the leader of the civil rights movement.马丁‧路德‧金恩是民权运动的领袖。She has always been identified with the civil rights movement.人们总是把她与民权运动联系在一起。The civil rights movement fought against practices that segregated blacks and whites.民权运动与隔离黑人、白人的做法做斗争。Civil rights campaigns and student revolts have given way to consensus politics.民权运动和学生起义已被共识政治取代。Henry is a soldier in the civil-rights movement.亨利是民权运动的斗士。These ideas resurfaced again in the American civil rights movement.这些观念在美国民权运动中重新抬头。He became involved in social issues at the high tide of the civil rights movement. 他在民权运动达到高潮时开始参与解决社会问题。He is one of the unsung heroes of the civil rights movement.他是民权运动中的无名英雄之一。They held a rally in support of the civil-rights movement.他们举行集会支持民权运动




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