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词汇 intellect
例句 She has a formidable intellect.她有着惊人的才华。You are endowed with wealth, good health, and a lively intellect.你生来就拥有财富、健康和活跃的思维。It takes imagination and intellect to work out precisely what to do with it.要有应变能力和聪明才智才能想出到底应该怎么办。I was intrigued by him, stirred by his intellect.我被他的聪明才智所打动,对他产生了好奇心。Johnson's mother stressed intellectual and artistic achievement, while his father considered intellect and culture to be unmanly.约翰逊的母亲重视知识和艺术成就,而他父亲却认为才识和文化缺乏阳刚之气。She uses her powerful intellect to examine the relationship between human society and nature.她运用自己的聪明才智研究人类社会与自然的关系。Joyce's books seem designed to appeal to the intellect rather than the emotions.乔伊斯的作品似乎要吸引人的理性而非感性。He never brandishes his intellect.他从不炫耀自己有多聪明。These activities are designed to develop a baby's intellect.这些活动是专为开发婴儿智力而设计的。The intellect is not the most important thing in life.才智不是生活中最重要的东西。It is clear that as regards its proper object the intellect is always true.很清楚,对理智的对象本身,理智总是真实的。At the time, I was very naïve and truly believed that our leaders were people of great ability and intellect.那时候我非常天真,真相信我们的领导人都是具备不凡能力和智慧的人。She had humor; she had intellect.她幽默,有才华。She has a sharp/keen intellect.她有敏锐的头脑。I had finally met my match in power and intellect.我终于遇上了与我在力量与智力上不相上下的劲敌。Her intellect towers above/over ours.她的智力远胜于我们。The book is a spur to both the intellect and the imagination.这部书既能激发智力又能激发想像力。His opinion is that the intellect of modern man isn't superior.他的看法是:现代人的智力并不高超。While he trails his rivals in communications, he excels them in intellect.他虽然不及对手们能言善辩,却更具智慧。Do the emotions develop in parallel with the intellect?.情感与智力是并行发展的吗?Art should appeal to the senses rather than the intellect.艺术应打动感官而非激发理性。He's a man of intellect.他是一个才智出众的人。He is a man more noted for his intellect than his charm.相比其魅力,他的才智更为人瞩目。Her intellect is famed far and wide.她的非凡才智闻名遐迩。Rehnquist was a great scholar who possessed a formidable intellect.伦奎斯特是位伟大的学者,拥有令人敬畏的智力。She is a woman of superior intellect.她是一位具有非凡才智的女性。The members of the committee described Gates as a man of keen intellect.委员会委员把盖茨描述为才智过人。Her energy and intellect are respected all over the world.她的活力和才智得到了全世界的尊重。He has a zest for life and a quick intellect.他对生活充满热情,思维敏捷。Plainly, you possess an altogether superior intellect.坦率地说,总体上你的智力有优势。They described him as a man of keen intellect.他们把他描述成一个才思敏捷的人。She had the combined talents of toughness, intellect, experience and unsullied reputation.她刚强果敢、才智超群、经验丰富,而且名声没有任何污点。He combined a formidable intellect with a talent for speaking.他不但智力超群,而且口才出众。Chess has long been regarded as a measure of intellect.国际象棋很早就被认为是评定智力水平的一种标准。His intellect and mental agility have never been in doubt.他的才智和机敏从未受到怀疑。Our physical strength declines with age, but not necessarily our intellect.随着年龄增长,我们的体力会下降,但智力却不一定降低。My boss isn't a great intellect.我的老板才智并不出众。His philosophy is a fusion of intellect and spiritual belief.他的哲学融合了理智和灵性的信仰。You are endowed with wealth, good health and a lively intellect.你生来就拥有财富、健康和活跃的思维。This guy is a superficial yuppie with no intellect whatsoever.这个家伙是个肤浅的雅皮士,没有什么头脑。




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