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词汇 complaint
例句 The company has been sitting on my letter for weeks without dealing with my complaint.公司将我的信搁置了数周,没有处理我的投诉。I sent a letter of complaint but I never got an answer. 我寄了一封投诉信,但一直没得到回复。A united effort is always more effective than an isolated complaint.联合行动总是比单个人抱怨更有效。They have filed a complaint against the police.他们对警方提起了诉讼。My lawyer is going to compose a letter of complaint.我的律师要拟定一份投诉状。The most common complaint is about poor service.最常见的投诉与服务差有关。Mr Kelly has lodged a formal complaint against the police.凯利先生已正式投诉警方。The committee was asked to investigate the complaint and report back to the assembly.委员会受命对投诉进行调查,并向议会呈交报告。I decided to register a complaint with the manager.我决定正式向经理投诉。Arthritis is a common complaint among the elderly.关节炎是老年人的一种常见病。No formal complaint was made; accordingly, the police took no action.没有接到正式的投诉,因此警方也就没有采取行动。He says he's been investigating my complaint, but I feel he's just going through the motions.他说他一直在调查我的投诉,可我觉得他只是在敷衍了事。I wrote a stiffly worded letter of complaint to the council.我给委员会写了一封措词强硬的投诉信。Whatever type of company you have, you put your reputation on the line when you handle complaint calls.不论你在哪类公司工作,你要是去处理投诉电话,那就是拿自己的名誉在冒险了。The storekeeper signed a complaint accusing them of shoplifting.店主签署了控告书,指控他们在店里扒窃货物。The main complaint was the noise.主要的投诉对象是噪声。We have no hesitation in rejecting his complaint.我们毅然驳回了他的投诉。Any complaint about safety standards must be treated very seriously.任何有关安全标准的投诉意见都必须十分认真地对待。His main complaint was that Mr Green bawled at him during meetings.他主要抱怨的是格林先生在会议期间冲着他大喊大叫。Upon receipt of a complaint, the department will investigate the problem and, if necessary, take appropriate measures.收到投诉之后,该部门会对问题进行调查,并在必要的情况下采取适当的措施。You had every opportunity to make a complaint.你当时完全有机会去投诉。He has a minor skin complaint.他有轻微的皮肤病。Very rarely do we have a complaint from any of our customers.我们很少收到客户的投诉。Police went to an address in Sinclair Street in answer to a complaint.警察来到辛克莱街一户人家调查一宗投诉。Employees are instructed how to make a complaint.雇员接受如何投诉的训练。He is being treated for a stomach complaint.他在接受胃病治疗。If you have a complaint, contact the customer care unit.若有意见请直接与客户服务部联系。The shop has been sitting on my complaint for a month.商店把我的意见压了一个月。The company's lawyers disagreed that the complaint was a criminal matter.这家公司的律师不认为该项投诉属于刑事案件。We get the odd complaint from customers, but mostly they're very satisfied.我们偶尔也收到客户投诉,但是他们大都很满意。Kendall's chief complaint about the opera is that the characters are not historically accurate.肯德尔对这部歌剧主要不满之处是其中的人物历史上不真实。She wrote a letter of complaint to the manufacturer.她给生产商写了一封投诉信。You are quite at liberty to make an official complaint if you wish.要是你愿意就尽管正式提出投诉。The company said it plans to file a complaint with the International Trade Commission.该公司称,它计划向国际贸易委员会投诉。I have a complaint about the food.我对这些食物有意见。Our main complaint is the poor standard of service.我们主要的不满是服务水准差。She took her complaint to the local health authority.她到当地医疗管理机构投诉。My only complaint is that there aren't enough hours in the day.我唯一要抱怨的是白天没足够的时间。The court dismissed her complaint.法庭驳回了她的控告。My main complaint is that we can't go out on the racecourse anymore.我投诉的主要问题是我们没法再去外面的赛道了。




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