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词汇 日渐
例句 Hopes of a peaceful resolution to the conflict were fading.和平解决冲突的希望日渐渺茫。Those who got to know him better warmed to his openness and honesty.那些对他日渐了解的人被他的坦率和真诚所打动。The vineyards were falling into ruin.这些葡萄园日渐破败。The country still refuses to capitulate despite its weakening army and dwindling resources.尽管军队日渐衰弱,资源日益匮乏,这个国家仍拒绝投降。The strength of this argument is being increasingly recognized.大家日渐认识到这一论点的说服力。His infatuation with Diane seemed to be growing.他对黛安娜的迷恋日渐加深。Support for the government is crumbling.对政府的支持日渐减少。Persons dying from cancer grow thin and visibly waste away.因患癌症濒临死亡的人会日渐消瘦,而且身体明显衰弱。More money is needed to save the crumbling infrastructure of the nation's rural areas.需要更多的资金来拯救这个国家农村地区日渐破旧的基础设施。The voices of dissent grew louder.反对之声日渐高涨。Her children are concerned about her failing health/eyesight.孩子们担心她日渐衰退的健康状况/视力。He has been losing flesh ever since the death of his wife.自他妻子死后,他日渐消瘦。Like most fads, this one eventually died out.像大部分流行风尚一样,这个最后也日渐销声匿迹。With a recession looming, consumers are spending less.经济日渐萧条,人们的消费也越来越少了。Politicians like to pontificate about falling standards.政客们喜欢自命不凡地谈论日渐堕落的道德水准。Eammon was plump and balding.埃蒙发福了,头发也日渐稀疏。Her symptoms became progressively worse.她的症状日渐恶化。It was becoming painfully obvious that the two of them had nothing in common.他们俩没有任何共同点,这一点日渐明显,令人难过。She sounded less and less eager to return to Ireland.听她话音,她回爱尔兰的热情似乎日渐消退。The many policy changes have created growing distrust among employees.政策多变使雇员的猜疑日渐加深。It would deal a fatal blow to his fading chances of success.这将给他日渐渺茫的成功机会予以毁灭性的一击。It pained me to see him thinner from illness.看到他因病而日渐消瘦,我心里很难受。My physical condition is improving day by day.我的健康状况日渐好转。He talked about his growing disenchantment with his job.他谈了对工作的日渐不满。The company has progressively increased its liquidity.公司资金流动性日渐增强。Increasing world affluence advances in parallel with a decreasing requirement to work.在世界日益富裕的同时,要求人们做的工作日渐减少。He was hoping for a cure from his debilitating illness.他希望有一种方法可以治疗使他日渐虚弱的疾病。Zurich's importance as a business centre grew, as did its reputation as a place of refuge.苏黎世作为商业中心的地位日渐重要,它作为避难所的名声也渐增。Seeing no future in it, his interest in the job petered out.因为看不出有什么前途,他对那件工作的兴趣就日渐低落。She worried about her mother's waning strength.她担心母亲的体力日渐不支。Because of its low production cost, holograms are being used more widely than before.因为制作成本低,立体投影的使用日渐广泛。The government is defending its economic policies against a growing chorus of criticism.面对日渐高涨的齐声指责,政府不断为其经济政策辩护。We live in an increasingly fragmented society.我们生活在一个日渐分裂的社会。Day by day he became weaker.他的身体日渐虚弱。This neighbourhood is getting run-down.附近这一带正在日渐衰落。I can see an increasing maturity in how she understands the world.我看得出她对这个世界的认识日渐成熟。Anti-war dissent was increasing by the time Nixon took office.自尼克松上台时,反战呼声日渐高涨。Parliament has not yet begun to combat the deepening economic crisis, and public patience is wearing thin.议会还没有着手应对日益严重的经济危机,公众日渐失去了耐心。Eddie was a short squat fellow in his forties with thinning hair.埃迪四十多岁,矮矮胖胖的,头发日渐稀疏。The cocoa industry dwindled because it became increasingly difficult to cover costs.由于越来越难以收回成本,可可产业日渐衰落。




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