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词汇 毕业生
例句 She is a psychology graduate of University of Pennsylvania.她是宾州大学心理系毕业生The school boasts a number of Nobel laureates among its graduates.这所学校的毕业生中有多位诺贝尔奖获得者。Many entry-level jobs were filled by school leavers.很多初级水平工作都由中学毕业生来做。Successful graduates are a good advertisement for a school.成功的毕业生是学校的活广告。Graduates in IT earn most, and those in education earn least.信息技术专业的毕业生赚钱最多,而教育学专业的毕业生赚得最少。The course helps school-leavers broaden their knowledge of the world of work.这门课程帮助毕业生对职场增加了解。Most towns have a careers service to help school-leavers find suitable jobs.大多数城镇都有一家就业服务机构来帮助学校毕业生找到合适的工作。!Law graduates are expected to hit the ground running.人们期望法律系毕业生一开始就很顺利。Our graduates are literate and numerate and have very good IT skills.我们的毕业生具备读写和计算能力,而且精通互联网技术。Chemistry graduates have a good record in finding employment.化学科毕业生就业一向容易。Unemployment among graduates is falling steadily.毕业生的待业人数正持续下降。The cream of this year's graduates have gone abroad for jobs.今年的优秀毕业生都出国谋职去了。One in four pupils leaving secondary school can't read or write properly.四分之一的中学毕业生不能正常阅读和写作。The Scottish labour market has been remarkably successful in absorbing the increase in the number of graduates.苏格兰的劳动力市场在吸纳新增毕业生就业方面异常成功。The graduate was promoted over the heads of several of his seniors.这名毕业生得以越过好几位前辈,破格升迁。Tanya is so stuck-up. She won't go out with anyone who went to a state college.塔尼娅很傲慢,她不愿与州立大学的毕业生交往。We're trying to attract more graduates into nursing, but the salary and hours are strong disincentives.我们想吸引更多的毕业生加入到护士队伍中来,但收入和工作时间是两大不利因素。The percentage of graduates is shown on the chart.图表上显示了毕业生的百分比。More and more high-school graduates are being priced out of college.越来越多的高中毕业生因高校漫天收费而被关在大学的校门之外。School-leavers were joining the dole queue every day.每天都有毕业生加入领取失业救济金的队伍。The board set tough academic standards for graduation.委员会为毕业生设定了严格的学术标准。The job prospects for those graduating in engineering are far less rosy now than they used to be.现在那些工科毕业生的工作前景大不如从前。Many graduates are employed in the electronics and computing industries.很多毕业生就职于电子和计算机行业。Not coincidentally, they were both graduates of the same college.他俩是同一所大学的毕业生,这并非巧合。The company has worked out an elaborate management training scheme for graduates.这家公司针对毕业生制订了一套详尽的管理培训计划。There are fewer job/employment opportunities this year for graduates.今年毕业生的工作/就业机会更少了。He was a graduate of the University of Hawaii.他是夏威夷大学的毕业生The employment prospects for science graduates are excellent.理科毕业生的就业前景非常好。The new programme pledged the university to accept all graduates of high schools regardless of their entrance exam scores.新的方案要求大学保证不论中学毕业生入学考试分数高低全数照收。Most medical graduates shun posts in geriatric medicine.医科大学毕业生大都不肯做老年病方面的工作。He realized that he had found his métier, having previously thought that finance was a world reserved for Ivy Leaguers.他意识到终于找到了适合自己的职业,先前他还以为金融业都是留给那些常春藤名校毕业生的呢。Many entry-level jobs were filled by school-leavers.很多初级水平的工作都由中学毕业生来做。Job prospects for graduates don't look good.毕业生的工作前景看上去不妙。The college relied on the patronage of its wealthy graduates to expand its funds.这所大学依赖其富有的毕业生的资助以增加经费。Inner-city teaching has become a popular public-service job for new graduates.在城市中心区域教书成为了一种受毕业生欢迎的热门政府工作。Many companies recruit graduate trainees to train as managers.许多公司招收毕业生进行经理人培训。London employers were suffering from a desperate shortage of school-leavers.伦敦的雇主正面临中学毕业生严重缺失的困境。Employers want graduate recruits who can hit the ground running.雇主想要能够立刻入职的毕业生Fashion retailer seeks Sales Assistant - would suit enthusiastic school-leaver.招聘时装店营业员一适合充满热诚的学校毕业生Allow me to acquaint you with just two of our graduates.请允许我向你们介绍我们的两位毕业生




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