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例句 More trees are being felled annually now than ever before.现在每年砍伐的树比过去多。If anything, he looks younger and fitter than he did before.要说他有什么变化,那就是比过去更年轻、更健康了。The program takes less time to load than it used to.这个程序的载入比过去快了。The country's citizenry is/are more politically aware than in the past.现在该国公民比过去更关心政治。The economic outlook is better than it has been for several years.经济前景比过去几年好。People entering the job market today must be far more flexible.现在进入就业市场的人必须比过去适应性更强。She's half the tennis player she used to be.她网球打得比过去差远了。Maria looks much healthier than she did.玛丽亚看起来比过去健康了许多。Modern medical techniques refine on those of the past.现代医疗技术比过去的医疗技术要优越。Although we still depict nostalgic snow scenes on Christmas cards, winters are now very much warmer.虽然我们仍在圣诞卡上描绘着具有怀旧气氛的雪景,但现在的冬天比过去暖和多了。She felt more sympathy for Neil's sombrely stolid manner than she ever had before.比过去更同情尼尔忧郁而执拗的举止了。A candidate's character and qualifications are more important than past experience.候选人的品质和资格比过去的经验更重要。Today, people are much more concerned about their health than they were in the past.现在人们比过去更关注自己的健康。Shopping queues have grown shorter.排队购物的队伍比过去短了。Single-parent families are much more common these days.如今单亲家庭比过去常见得多了。Car drivers now pay more than ever for fuel.如今的驾车者在燃料上的开销比过去任何时候都要多。I feel less anger than I used to.我觉得自己比过去少了些怒气。Childbirth is now medically safer than ever.从医学角度来说,分娩在当今要比过去安全。She looks thinner than before.她看上去比过去瘦了。He is now better able to cope with his task than before.对于工作他现在比过去更胜任了。In recent years we have seen greater emphasis than heretofore on the voice of the consumer.近年来我们发现消费者的呼声比过去更受重视了。Her hair is much shorter than it used to be.她的头发比过去短多了。We can satisfy our basic wants more easily than in the past.现在我们的基本需求可以比过去更容易得到满足。I feel more compassion and less anger than I used to.我觉得自己比过去多了些同情,少了些怒气。In virtually every sport, with the possible exception of women's gymnastics, the players are now bigger and stronger than before.几乎在所有体育运动中,可能除女子体操外,现在的运动员都要比过去更加高大强壮。As I have already indicated, there is now more competition for jobs than there used to be.正如我已经说过的,现在求职的竞争比过去更为激烈了。I guess Marlene is more neurotic than she used to be.我估计马琳的神经质比过去更为严重了。Blake had grown much quieter – another sign of his advancing years.布莱克话比过去少多了 — 这是年纪大的又一个迹象。Modern-day equipment has made mining much safer than it was.现代的设备使采矿比过去安全多了。It happens more now than at any other time in history.当下,这种事的发生频率比过去任何时候都高。This type of problem still occurs, but less than it did in the past.这类问题依然出现,但比过去少了。Children's TV nowadays is much more entertaining.如今孩子的电视节目要比过去有趣多了。This country's people are wealthier, healthier, and better educated than ever before.该国人民比过去更加富有、更加健康,教育程度也提高了。You will feel more buoyant and optimistic about the future than you have for a long time.对于未来,你的感觉会比过去很长一段时间里更加自信和乐观。There's a paradox in the fact that although we're living longer than ever before, people are more obsessed with health issues than they ever were.虽然我们比过去长寿,但人们却比以前更加关注健康问题,这是个矛盾的现象。Travel is infinitely more comfortable now than it used to be.现在旅行比过去舒服多了。




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