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词汇 比例
例句 The over-all productivity of labour has risen pari passu with this investment.劳动的总生产率与投资额以相同的比例增长。Proportionately more Americans get married nowadays than ever before.比例上看,美国现在结婚的人数比以前任何时候都多。His head is large in proportion to his body. 从人体比例看,他的头偏大。The substances were mixed in various proportions until an optimum was reached.将不同比例的各种物质混合,最终达到最优状态。I wouldn't be sorry to see proportional representation and I think it's a thing which will gradually come in.我不会为比例代表制的出现而难过,我认为这种制度将逐渐流行起来。Health spending has increased in absolute terms, but not as a proportion of national income.医疗花费在绝对数目上有所增长,但在国民收入中所占的比例没有增长。We now have a disproportionate number of elderly people in our community.现在我们社区老年人所占的比例不合理。Their system seems to combine the two ideals of strong government and proportional representation.他们的体制似乎是将强力政府与比例代表制这两种理想相结合了。The proportion of imports to exports is worrying the government.进出口的比例令政府担忧。The company has an unusually high proportion of young people at the top.公司高层中年轻人的比例高得非同寻常。The system of proportional representation has led to the minority parties continually holding the balance of power in the parliament.比例代表制使得少数党在议会中频频拥有举足轻重的地位。Women make up a large proportion of the workforce in education.在教育界从业者中,女性占很大比例I need my pictures to be anatomically correct.我要我的相片比例适当。This ratio of air to fuel results in better combustion.空气与燃料的这种比例会产生较好的燃烧效果。Mannerism is characterized by a distortion of proportions and perspective.风格主义的特点在于比例和透视的扭曲。The high rate of desertion has added to the army's woes.逃兵比例高使部队雪上加霜。This survey shows the percentage of single-parent households in each area.这次调查显示了每个地区单亲家庭的比例The new law is intended to reduce the proportion of road accidents caused by drunk drivers.新的法律旨在减少酒后驾车引发交通事故的比例A large percentage of the population is illiterate.文盲人口占有相当高的比例The percentage of girls in engineering has increased substantially.工科女生的比例已经大大增加了。A high percentage of married women have part-time jobs.已婚妇女兼职的比例很高。It comes as a surprise to learn what a high rate of illiteracy there is in this country.得知这个国家文盲的比例之高,让人吃惊。What percentage of the national wealth is spent on health care?国家资金用在医疗保健上的比例是多少?The Northern Region has a lower proportion of owner-occupiers than any other English region.北部地区房屋自用的比例低于英格兰任何其他地区。The head was not proportional to the body. 头和身体的比例不协调。She made a half-scale replica of Captain Cook's ship.她制作了一个比例缩小一半的库克船长的船的复制品。The proportion of women graduates has increased in recent years.近年来女大学毕业生的比例上升了。Research has confirmed that the risk is higher for women.研究已经证实,这种风险在女性中的比例更高。You can vary the relative proportions of things in a picture very simply.你能很简单地改变一幅画中事物的相对比例The takeup of longer courses was very low.修读较长时间课程的学生比例甚低。The cathedral has classic proportions.大教堂的比例堪称经典。Wages will rise at a rate proportionate to expenses.工资将按与开支相称的比例增加。Part-time students make up a sizeable proportion of the college population.非全日制学生在大学生总人数中占了很大的比例Indian blood quantum of the population人口中印第安人血统所占的比例A high proportion of crime in any country is perpetrated by young males in their teens and twenties.在任何国家的犯罪者中,十几二十几岁的年轻男子都占了很高的比例This map is drawn to a scale of 1 inch to 50 miles.这幅地图是以一英寸代表五十英里的比例绘制的。What percentage of the adult male population is unemployed?成年男性中的失业比例是多少?The test will give a proportion of false negatives.这种化验会出现一定比例的假阴性结果。Teen pregnancy rates have fallen.少女怀孕比例有所下降。The company has increased the share of jobs located overseas.公司增加了海外岗位的比例




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