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As the food looked so good, he decided to sample a little from each dish.这些食物看起来很诱人,于是他决定每样菜都尝一点儿。It was his job to put price stickers on each item and he took it very seriously.他的工作就是在每样物品上贴上不干胶价签,他做得非常认真。There are instructions that tell you where everything goes.有说明书告诉你每样物件该安装在什么地方。There are five leaflets - please take one of each.有五种传单——请每样拿一份。Every item in the store has a product code.商店里的每样货品都有产品信息代码。Cook each vegetable separately until just tender.每样蔬菜都单独烹调,煮到稍稍变软就好。 |