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Competition has its disadvantages.竞争有其害处。Competition is stiffer than ever.竞争比以往更为激烈。Competition between the production groups is hotting up rapidly.生产小组之间的竞争很快日趋激烈。Competition will beat the price down.竞争会使价格下跌。Competition can be healthy, but if it is pushed too far it can result in bullying.竞争可以是良性的,但如果太过火,就可能造成以强凌弱。He was awarded first prize in the National Poetry Competition.他获得全国诗歌竞赛冠军。Competition often translates into lower costs to the consumer.竞争的结果常常是使消费者少花钱。Competition from cheaper imports is forcing manufacturers to retrench.廉价进口商品的竞争迫使生产者紧缩开支。Competition for jobs is intense.求职的竞争非常激烈。He won first prize at the Leeds Piano Competition.他在利兹国际钢琴比赛中荣获一等奖。Competition among youths to enter the best colleges is intense.年轻人想进一流大学的竞争是很激烈的。She rose to fame when she won the first prize at Warsaw's Frederic Chopin International Piano Competition.她在华沙肖邦国际钢琴大赛中获一等奖,从此声名鹊起。Competition winners will be announced in our weekly e-blast.竞赛获胜者将在我们每周的群发邮件中宣布。Competition by price is giving way to an accent on presentation.价格竞争正在减少,代之而起的是在包装方面精益求精。Competition between domestics and foreign imports is growing fiercer.国货与进口货之间的竞争更加激烈了。Competition for the nomination was very keen.争取提名的竞争非常激烈。Competition from established businesses can be formidable.来自老牌企业的竞争可能会异常激烈。Competition led to continual improvement.竞争促进不断进步。Competition in the financial marketplace has eroded profits.金融市场上的竞争降低了利润。Competition is heating up and sales are shrinking.竞争在加剧,而销售额在萎缩。Competition has been fierce to win a stake in Skoda.争夺斯柯达股份的竞争极为激烈。Competition is a force for change in industry.竞争是工业变革的推动力量。Competition should beat the price down.竞争应可压低价格。Competition brings down prices.竞争会使价格降低。Competition between companies is too fierce for self-regulation to work.公司间的竞争过于激烈,自我调节机制已无法发挥作用。Competition between the two companies is heating up.两家公司之间的竞争日益激烈。Competition has intensified in recent months.最近几个月竞争加剧了。Competition between the industry players for fewer contracts has put pressure on prices and profit margins.业内各商家为争夺越来越少的合同而展开的竞争对价格和利润率造成了压力。Competition between the two companies bidding for the contract is fierce.两家公司间投标争取这项合同的竞争很激烈。Competition for the first prize was keen.一等奖的角逐十分激烈。Competition is good but only up to a certain point.竞争是有益的,但只是在一定程度上。Competition for the best jobs is getting hotter all the time.为找到最好的工作,竞争正日趋激烈。Competition for these jobs is very tough - we had over 200 applicants.这些职位竞争相当激烈—有两百多名申请人。 |