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词汇 a grand
例句 She always knew how to make a grand entrance.她总是知道如何能够闪亮登场。We had a grand time at the picnic.这次野餐我们过得非常开心。He had taken Todd and Maxine on a grand tour of properties he thought might be suitable.他带着托德和玛克辛踏上了一次他认为可能不错的房地产深度观光游。He lives in a grand house.他住在一栋富丽堂皇的房子里。First everyone ate a grand feast.首先,每人都吃了一顿豪华大餐。The two main political parties say a grand coalition could be in place by Easter.这两个主要政党宣称到复活节时能够实现全面联盟。He was indicted by a grand jury on two counts of murder.他被大陪审团以两项谋杀罪起诉。We had a grand time.我们玩得很开心。They scored a grand total of three points in the first quarter.在第一节中他们总共拿到了三分。Father's flat in Paris wasn't nearly as grand as this.爸爸在法国的公寓远不如这处宽敞。The dinner was a grand success.晚宴办得十分成功。A short flight of steps led to a grand doorway.一段短短的台阶通向一个气派的大门口。We had a grand holiday.我们假期过得很开心。I don't really have a grand plan, I'll just see what happens.我其实没有什么宏伟计划,只是静观其变。The scenery of South Island is on a grand scale.南岛风光壮观秀丽。He was indicted for perjury before a grand jury.他在大陪审团前被控作伪证。Fresh fruit made a grand finale to that delicious meal.那顿美餐以新鲜水果为最后一道佳肴。His job has a grand title, but he's little more than a clerk.他的工作听起来名堂大得很,可他不过是个职员。She made a grand entrance once all the guests were assembled.客人到齐之后,她隆重出场。After all, few of them would get out of bed for less than a grand a week.要知道,每周要是赚不到一千块,他们几乎没人愿意从床上爬起来。North America provides the most striking instance of European settlement on a grand scale.北美洲就是欧洲大规模移民最为突出的例证。We've been having a grand time.我们开心极了。My grandson is a grand little chap.我孙子是个特了不起的小家伙。I knew that the wedding would be a grand affair.我知道婚礼会很隆重。A genuine culture lover, the Prime Minister was a patron of the arts on a grand scale.作为一名真正的文化爱好者,首相是一个很大的艺术赞助人。He's a grand fellow; I know you'll like him.他是个好人;我知道你会喜欢他的。He will appear before a grand jury investigating the case.他将出庭面对调查此案的大陪审团。He made a grand slam.他得了个大满贯。I spent a grand total of $150.我总共花了一百五十美元。In Afghanistan, a grand assembly is under way.阿富汗正在组建大国民议会。War forces us to face death on a grand scale.战争迫使我们面临大规模的死亡。He planned to make a grand entrance, driving up to the house in a fancy red sports car.他打算把豪华的红色跑车开到那幢房子前,来个隆重的入场式。I heard the fans groan as the batter hit a grand slam.击球手击了个全垒打,我听见球迷发出抱怨声。The evening ended with a grand finale of fireworks and music.晚会在烟花和音乐声中隆重闭幕。He acted as grand marshal of a stock-car race.他担任过改装赛车大赛的总指挥。The resort offers luxury on a grand scale.该度假胜地提供全面的奢华享受。Henry Luce had a grand design for America's future.亨利·卢斯为美国的未来设计了一幅宏伟蓝图。He was a grand bloke.他是个令人肃然起敬的家伙。They exposed fraud on a grand scale.他们在很大程度上揭露了骗局。The company has been slapped with a grand jury subpoena.公司不幸接到了大陪审团的传票。




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