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例句 She roused herself and stared me down.她激怒了,用目光逼视着我使我不敢对她正视To face unpleasant truth need not be discouraging, but can be bracing.正视严酷事实并不一定使人气馁,反而可能令人振奋。We have to drop our pretences and look squarely at schooling as it really is.我们必须抛开一切伪装,正视学校教育的真实情况。I was so ashamed that I could not look him in the face.我羞愧难当,不敢正视他。When are these people going to face facts?这些人什么时候才会正视现实?It's time the government faced up to spending more on health and education.政府该正视在保健与教育领域增加开支这个问题了。We have to square up to the problem.我们得正视这个问题。The country is reluctant to confront its violent past.这个国家不愿正视其残暴的历史。We have to face reality.我们必须正视现实。It's time to deal squarely with the facts.正视这些事实了。She would have to look him in the eye, but she wasn't yet ready; wasn't calm, wasn't girded.她将不得不正视他,但是她还没有准备好;她既不镇静,又没做好应对之策。We must squarely face the issue.我们必须正视这问题。It's only by facing up to her addiction that she can hope to live a normal life again.她只有勇敢地正视自己的毒瘾问题,才有希望重新过上正常的生活。Confession is the first stage of coming to terms with what you've done.坦白是你正视自己所作所为的第一步。Her death put everything else into perspective.她的死使人们开始正视所有其他事情。Maria finally turned around and confronted the man.玛丽亚最后转过身来正视着那男人。Jonathan keeps tiptoeing around the problem, instead of confronting it.乔纳森一直在回避而不是正视这个问题。She was finding it hard to meet his gaze.她发现难以正视他凝视的目光。She refused to meet my gaze.她拒绝正视我的目光。The time has come to face the facts and admit that the government's policies aren't working.到了该正视现实、承认政府的政策并不起作用的时候了。We will soon have to confront a fundamental question.我们很快就将不得不正视一个基本问题。He could try to sublimate the problem by writing, in detail, about it.他可以努力通过详细记述该问题而使其受到人们的正视NATO countries have been forced to confront fundamental moral questions.北约国家被迫正视基本的道德问题。You have to learn to face your problem.你得学会正视自己的问题。The batter tried to stare down the pitcher.击球手使劲盯着投手看,使其不敢正视She was shutting her eyes to reality, just as she had done after Matthew died.她不肯正视现实,跟她在马修去世后的表现如出一辙。They were having to face up to the fact that they had lost everything.他们必须正视他们已经一无所有这个事实。Germany has shown real determination to come to terms with the anti-Semitism of its past.德国表现出正视自己反犹主义历史的诚意。If you're an ostrich about your debts, you're only going to make matters worse.如果你不愿正视自己的债务问题,只会让事情变得更糟糕。Let's meet the problem head-on.让我们正视这一难题。But don't play ostrich to hide from the unavoidable truth.但是不要像鸵鸟那样,不去正视无法回避的事实。She has to face up to her problems now, or else they'll only get worse.她现在必须正视自己的问题,否则那些问题只会变得更糟。Her gaze fixed on his and held it unblinkingly.正视着他的目光,眼睛一眨也不眨。He confronted his childhood trauma and tried to exorcise the pain.正视自己儿时所受的创伤,努力消除心中的痛苦。We have to face the reality that, so far, the treaty has had little effect.我们必须正视该条约至今仍没有多少效力这一现实。My parents never really faced up to my drug use in any serious way.我父母从未认真地正视过我的吸毒问题。Hold your head up because you have every right to.昂起你的头,因为你有充分的权利去正视一切。The film forces audiences to confront the barrenness of contemporary life.该影片使观众不得不正视沉闷无聊的当代生活。She couldn't look me square in the eye.她无法正视我的眼睛。The treatment center helps people confront their addictions.治疗中心帮助人们正视毒瘾。




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