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词汇 正规
例句 They had left school at fifteen and were quite untutored in writing.他们十五岁时就辍学了,几乎没有接受过正规的写作训练。Untrained nurses are not allowed to treat patients who are seriously ill.未受正规训练的护士不允许去照顾重病患者。Although he had had no formal engineering training he was a natural and willing pupil.虽然他没有接受过正规工科训练,但却是个天生好学的学生。Steve didn't have the benefit of a formal college education.史蒂夫没能接受正规的大学教育。Less formally educated people can acquire professional competence.接受的教育不是那么正规的人可以学习专业技能。She's got a lot of experience but no formal qualifications.她经验丰富,但没有正规的资格。He faithfully submitted all the proper forms.他如实地递交了所有的正规表格。You cannot visit the country unless you have the proper documentation.除非你有正规的证明文件,否则你不能到这个国家游览。He's had a good innings for someone with no proper training.作为一个未接受过正规训练的人,他可谓成就斐然。He is good at selling, although he has had no formal training.尽管他没接受正规培训,却很善于销售。The full-length feature, as yet untitled, will include interviews plus footage of their live gigs.这部尚未定名的正规长度影片将包括对他们的采访和他们现场表演的片段。He has had no formal schooling.他没有受过正规的学校教育。The children have inadequate medical care and little formal education.这些孩子缺乏足够的医疗保健,也没受过什么正规的教育。I would like to go through proper judicial procedures.我希望走正规的司法程序。Kennedy had no formal training as a decorator.肯尼迪没有接受过做油漆匠的正规培训。She talked about the necessity of having the right training. 她谈到了接受正规培训的必要性。I had never really learnt to type properly.我从未真正正规地学过打字。They mistakenly believed the standard licences they held were sufficient.他们曾经误以为有正规执照就足够了。Special constables provide part-time assistance for the regular police force.特别警察部分时间为正规警察部队提供协助。He was trying to palm off some stolen videos on me.他试图把一些偷来的录像带冒充正规商品卖给我。Mr Dawe was the ancient, formally trained head gardener.道先生是那种老式的、正规科班出身的首席园艺师。He says he's had no formal training but when you see how good his work is, you start to wonder.他说他没有受过正规的训练,但是看到他出色的工作以后,你开始感到疑惑。His super-clean image gave a veneer of respectability to the new professional set-up.他超级整洁的形象使其新设的专业骗局看起来很正规很体面。He says they mistakenly believed the standard licenses they held were sufficient.他说他们曾经误以为有正规执照就足够了。I had to unlearn the way I played guitar when I started taking formal lessons.开始正规学习吉他的时候,我不得不丢掉以前弹吉他的习惯。She has the proper qualifications to teach.她有正规的从教资格。The garden was laid out in a formal pattern.这个花园是按正规式样布置的。You don't need formal exam passes, just the right spark to succeed.成功不需要通过种种正规的考试,只需要刚好灵光一现。Start the day with a proper breakfast of cereal and toast.以麦片粥加吐司面包的正规早餐开始一天的活动。He lacks formal schooling.他缺少正规的学校教育。It is standard procedure to record the interviews.记录谈话是正规程序。You'll get the right training, never fear.你会受到正规训练的,别担心。He had a normal middle-class upbringing.他接受的是正规的中产阶级教育。Leroy didn't have any formal dance training.勒罗伊没受过任何正规的舞蹈训练。You should make your complaint through the proper channels.你应该通过正规途径去投诉。Many young men were sent into battle without proper training.很多年轻人没有受过正规训练就被送上了战场。Training for nurses was on strictly formal lines.护士的培训非常严格正规We need to ensure that handwriting is properly taught in our primary schools.我们要确保小学里有正规的习字课。Most computer users have never received any formal keyboard training. Consequently, their keyboard skills are inefficient.大多数的计算机用户都没有经过正规的键盘训练,因此他们的键盘技巧效率不高。The records are confusing to anyone untrained in accounting.这些记录对于在会计方面没有受过正规训练的人来说是很难搞得清楚的。




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