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词汇 正式
例句 The talks are meant to clear the way for formal negotiations on a new constitution.会谈旨在为新宪法的正式商讨扫清道路。She prefers wearing high heels on formal occasions.正式场合她比较喜欢穿高跟鞋。Official documents are written in formal register.官方文件是以正式语体写成的。She felt that formal clothing would help dignify the occasion.她认为正式的着装会使这一仪式更显庄重。She formally withdrew her resignation.正式收回了她的辞呈。We will make a formal announcement tomorrow.我们明天将正式宣布通告。We're having a sit-down meal at our wedding, rather than a buffet.我们结婚时会摆正式桌宴而不是自助餐。The museum officially opens next month.博物馆下月正式对外开放。The supervisor held an informal meeting in his office.督导员在他的办公室开了一个不太正式的会议。Business relationships are necessarily rather formal.商业关系必然很正式The US formally withdrew from the anti-ballistic missile treaty.美国正式退出了反弹道导弹条约。They offered her the job, initially on a temporary basis but later as a full member of the staff.起初他们聘请她做临时工,但后来就把她转为正式员工了。The two sides formally nailed down an agreement.双方正式拟定了一项协议。I decided to register a complaint with the manager.我决定正式向经理投诉。Right, kids. We don't have any proper cowboy hats so you'll have to make believe.对了,孩子们。我们没有正式的牛仔帽,所以你们得假装一下了。Mrs Hamilton has been appointed acting head of the school until a permanent replacement can be found.汉密尔顿夫人被任命为代校长,直至找到正式的接替者。You should go through the official channels if you want the government to help.你应该透过正式管道来争取政府的帮助。We attended a formal dinner.我们参加了一次正式的晚宴。She's now been made a full partner.她现在已是正式合伙人。His concession to being casual is the absence of a tie.他一向打扮正式,不戴领带就算是休闲装了。Details of the modified American plan will vary based on the hotel or resort you choose.根据你选择的旅馆和度假村,有关修正式美式计价的细节将会有所不同。He's in trouble this time. The police have said they're going to press charges.这次他麻烦了,警方说他们要正式起诉他。The first official results will be announced tomorrow.首批正式结果将在明天宣布。They are now formally separated and they will continue to lead their own lives.他们现在正式分开了,将会继续各自的生活。All employees have a formal annual interview with the senior member of staff responsible for their work.所有员工每年都与负责他们工作的高级职员进行一次正式面谈。On Tuesday, the police officially filed charges against Jeffers.星期二,警方正式对杰弗斯提出指控。They have decided to regularize their living together by getting married.他们决定正式结婚,以使同居合法化。Why dress so formally in this day and age?都这年月了,怎么还穿得这么正式We usually organize a sit-down dinner, but we wanted to go for something less formal this year.我们通常都是举办晚宴,但是这一年我们想办一个不是那么正式的。When writing to business correspondents, use a formal tone.给商务伙伴写信要用正式语气。The meeting heard that two workers had been fired with no official reason given.会议听取了两名工人在未给出正式理由即被解雇的情况。There was no celebration, no formal farewell.没有庆典,也没有正式的作别。Scientists, business people, and sundry others gathered on Monday for the official opening.星期一的正式开幕式上,科学家、商界人士和其他各色人等齐聚一堂。They were underdressed for the wedding.他们参加婚礼时穿得不够正式They crowned him athlete of the year.他们正式公认他为本年度最佳运动员。They always ply their clients with wine before getting down to business.他们在正式谈生意之前总是先请客户喝酒。The formalization of co-operation between the republics would produce progress.正式确立合作关系将会促进共和国之间合作的顺利进展。Congress formalized the policy by making it law.国会通过立法使这项政策正式确定下来。The Queen was late for her first official engagement of the day.女王当天第一次正式公开露面迟到了。We intend to make a formal written complaint.我们打算写一份正式的书面投诉。




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