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例句 The agriculture ministry is struggling to bring the latest outbreak of the disease under control.农业部正在努力控制近期爆发的疾病。She came in while I was designing the dresses.她进来时我正在画服装设计图。Her father walked in when they were kissing. = They were kissing when in walked her father.他们正在亲吻时,她父亲走了进来。Germany is pushing for direct flights to be established.德国正在为开辟直飞航线而努力。The company is drilling for oil in the North Sea.该公司正在北海钻井开采石油。The floodwaters are retreating.洪水正在消退。She is seeking nomination as a candidate in the elections.正在争取提名成为候选人。Trim housing estates are being built for the workers.正在为工人们建造整齐漂亮的住宅区。I'm correcting the proofs of the Spanish edition right now.正在校正西班牙语版本的校样。They are puzzling through the mazy new rules of the game.他们正在对迷津似的新比赛规则大伤脑筋。They're pushing forward economic reform and an open-door policy.他们正在继续推行经济改革和对外开放政策。They're holidaying in Majorca.他们正在马约卡岛度假。They are seeking the cooperation of senior medical staff.他们正在寻求高级医疗人员的配合。Aid is being sent to areas that have been worst affected by the earthquake.援助物资正在送往受地震影响最严重的地区。He was trying to sort through his belongings.正在整理自己的物品。Meg could see Kirk's patience was running out, so she shut up.梅格可以看出柯克先生正在逐渐失去耐心,于是她闭上了嘴。Building work in progress. Keep out!正在施工,请勿入内!The builders were collecting their wages from the site hut.建筑工们正在工棚里领工钱。Some guy was clobbering him in the parking lot.有个人正在停车场狠狠地揍他。Keegan's team is being slowly and painfully dismembered.基冈的球队正在缓慢而痛苦地瓦解。She was searching for the right words to explain her predicament.正在寻找合适的词语来解释她的困境。Iwas a teacher in the college where Khalil was studying.我是个老师,在哈利勒正在就读的那所学院教书。Many single people are seeking that special someone.许多单身者正在寻找那个对他们来说很特别的人。The government is urging Japan's firms to collaborate with foreigners.政府正在督促日本的公司进行更多的海外合作。Two lovers were canoodling on a park bench.一对情侣正在公园的长凳上拥吻。The civil war is making orphans of many children.内战正在使许多孩子成为孤儿。Although she won the championship, she isn't resting on her laurels. She is training hard to become even better next year.虽然得了冠军,但她不满足于既得荣誉。她正在为明年取得更好的成绩而刻苦训练。He is assembling evidence concerning a murder.正在搜集一桩谋杀案的证据。Disaster response teams are completing an inventory of damaged facilities.灾害应急救援队正在对受损设施进行登记。New freeway ramps are being constructed in San Bruno.新的高速公路岔道正在圣布鲁诺建造。Union bosses fear that a strike is brewing in the coal industry.工会的领袖们担心煤矿工业正在酝酿罢工。The private sector is growing.私营经济正在发展。I don't know where she is. She's probably on her way to London by now.我不知道她在哪里,现在她可能正在去伦敦的路上。The business is looking for ways to streamline production/operations.这家企业正在寻求提高生产/运营效率的方法。Mr Fullemann was a passenger in the car when it crashed.出车祸时,福勒曼先生正在那辆车上。The West is bleeding poorer countries dry through interest payments on their debts.西方国家通过收取债务利息正在把穷国榨干。He was digging into a steak-and-kidney pudding as I left.我离开时他正在大吃牛排腰子布丁。Anti-racist campaigners are urging the Government to ban all far-Right groups.反种族主义活动家正在力促政府取缔所有极右组织。People are buying extra groceries in anticipation of heavy snowstorms.人们预计会有强烈暴风雪来袭,正在多购买一些食品杂货。I found him going through my closet.我发现他正在我的衣橱里翻找。




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