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词汇 正准备
例句 The company are in the process of instituting legal proceedings.这伙人正准备提起诉讼。They tried to sneak a peek at the actors getting ready behind the curtain.他们试图偷瞧一眼帷幕后正准备上场的演员。We are going to the Post Office Tower.我们正准备去邮电大楼。We are going to zero right down to that issue.我们正准备直接对付那个问题。The company is set for further expansion into niche areas.公司正准备进一步向细分领域拓展。I was preparing for bed when I heard a knock at the door.正准备睡觉时听到有人敲门。He seemed to be preparing to sanction an increase in public borrowing.他似乎正准备批准增加公共借款。They are preparing to pull back their forces.他们正准备撤兵。I'm just going to walk the dog.正准备遛狗去。The French military is preparing to evacuate women and children of expatriate families.法国军方正准备撤离侨民家庭的妇女儿童。The aeroplanes were shaping up for the landing at Paris.飞机正准备要在巴黎降落。The company is preparing to expand its European network.该公司正准备扩大其在欧洲的网络。Just as I was sitting down to watch TV, the phone rang.正准备坐下看电视的时候,电话铃响了。The municipal authorities here are preparing for food rationing.这里的市政当局正准备实施食物配给制度。The quarterback was blindsided just as he was about to throw a pass.四分卫正准备传球时受到意外攻击。Mr Gold is divorcing for the second time.戈尔德先生正准备第二次离婚。She is releasing a solo album.正准备发行一张独唱专辑。The player is on the comeback trail after a serious knee injury.这名运动员经历了严重的膝伤之后正准备复出。They are building a legal case against the tobacco industry.他们正准备立案起诉烟草行业。John Lee was getting ready to play his stuff.约翰·李正准备演奏他的曲子。He was about to shut the door when an idea came to him.正准备关门,突然想到一个主意。He was on the edge of saying something when the phone rang.正准备说点什么时,电话铃响了。The lifeboat was preparing to go to the aid of the stricken boat.救生艇正准备前去援救遇难的船只。The plane was preparing to descend.飞机正准备降落。America is preparing for the presidential elections, which will take place in two weeks’ time.美国正准备两周后举行的总统选举。I was just set to go when the phone rang.正准备走的时候电话铃就响了。They received information that the Americans were preparing to invade.他们得到消息说美国人正准备入侵。The government is preparing to cap the budgets of some local councils.政府正准备对某些地方议会的预算设上限。She was just about to add some sarcastic remark when her phone rang.正准备再说点儿讽刺的话,这时电话铃响了。The plane was readying for takeoff.飞机正准备起飞。Mother set down the heavy box and was turning away to another duty.母亲放下了沉重的箱子,正准备走开去干别的事情。She's had a two-year break from competitive running, but now she's staging a comeback.她已经两年没参加竞技性赛跑了,但现在她正准备复出。They're getting someone from London to adjudicate the one-act play competition.他们正准备从伦敦找个人来给独幕剧比赛当评委。The company was now set for major expansion.公司现在正准备大规模扩张。People were getting ready for dinner, and the house was all lit up.人们正准备吃晚餐,房子里灯火通明。We are about to start.我们正准备出发。Shareholders are preparing to shake things up in the boardrooms of America.股东们正准备在美国的公司董事会议上作出重大调整。The court is getting ready to hand down a potentially historic decision.法庭正准备宣布一项可能具有历史意义的决定。She was on her way upstairs when she heard a car drive up.正准备上楼,听到有汽车开了过来。Manufacturers are gearing up to produce more merchandise.制造商们正准备生产更多商品。




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