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词汇 working
例句 Staff are working against the clock to meet the deadline.员工们都在抓紧时间工作,想赶在最后期限前完成任务。Poor working conditions are only part of the problem.恶劣的工作条件仅仅是问题的一方面。My computer is working slow.我的电脑运行速度慢。She decided to carry on working after having the baby.她决定生了小孩后继续工作。He's paying the price for working his body so hard.他因为使身体过度劳累而有些吃不消了。He spends a lot of time working on his allotment.他花很多时间在他的那块菜地里干活。He's moody because things aren't working out at home.他因家里事情不顺当而郁郁寡欢。The bank clerks seemed to be working really slowly as I moved up the line.我在排队往前走时,各银行职员的动作似乎慢极了。The left-hand speaker doesn't seem to be working.左手的扬声器看样子失灵了。Some of the employees working for this firm have been downgraded.这家公司有几名雇员被降了职。I started working when I was sixteen.我十六岁就开始工作了。They are working to ensure the continued survival of this species.他们正致力于确保这个物种能继续存活下去。I've been working in the garden all day.我一整天都在花园里干活儿。We are all working along similar lines.我们都按着相似的方式工作。The agent was working under cover.这位特工在用假身份工作。We usually have two people working in the shop, but at peak periods we employ extra staff.我们店里一般有两名工作人员,但在旺季我们会增聘人手。Managers don't really get paid much here, but most of them are working a few fiddles.这儿的经理工资并不高,但他们大多数人都用这样那样的手段在骗钱。She asked me whether I was interested in working for her.她问我是否有兴趣为她工作。I will keep working up until dinnertime.我会一直工作到吃饭时间。She now runs her own company, which is pretty good going for a working-class kid.她现在拥有自己的公司,这对工人家庭的孩子而言,是了不起的成就。Henry has only been working for us for a short while, and we're not really sure about him yet.亨利才为我们工作了很短的一段时间,我们对他还不是很了解。Some of the staff found it hard to adjust to all the changes in technology and working methods.有些员工发觉难以适应技术以及工作方式的变化。He would often be working away on his word processor late into the night.他经常在文字处理机上一直工作到深夜。There's a luscious young tomato working in our office.我们办公室有个性感又漂亮的女孩。They can always improve by working on their weak points.他们总能通过克服自身的弱点来得以提高。I'm currently working on my autobiography.我眼下正在写自传。Emergency teams were working around the clock to make the homes secure.各应急分队为确保各家的安全而夜以继日地工作。She came from a working-class background.她是工人阶级出身。For the system to work, mediators must have a working knowledge of the law.为了让这个制度行得通,斡旋人员必须具备足够的法律知识。We are both from working class stock.我们俩都出身于工人家庭。We had managed to persuade them that it was worth working with us.我们已经让他们相信与我们合作是值得的。The majority of working women are in low-paid jobs.大部分上班女性从事的都是低薪工作。City workers and volunteers are working feverishly to remove the heavy snow from the roofs of homes.市政工人和志愿者在紧张地忙碌着,将积雪从房顶上除去。Scott is living and working at a mission for the homeless. He calls it a paradise compared to the camp.斯科特在一家救助无家可归者的慈善机构工作生活。与难民营相比,他称这个慈善机构为乐园。Instead of working to keep their marriages, more and more people are taking the easy option and getting divorced.越来越多的人都是选择离婚图个省事,而不是去努力挽救自己的婚姻。The plane's engines were working up to take-off power.飞机的发动机正达到起飞的马力。The expenses of raising children are tax-deductible for working mothers.子女抚养费在计算所得税时可从工作的母方所得总额中扣除。She kept body and soul together by working two jobs.她打两份工维持生活。If you keep working so hard, the stress will eventually take its toll. 如果你继续这么辛苦地工作,最终会被压垮的。Rescuers were still working their way towards the trapped men.营救人员仍在艰难地向被困人员受困地点进发。




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