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词汇 Working
例句 Working your way up through a company is a difficult pathway.在公司里一步步努力往上升是条艰辛的道路。Working mothers are no longer a rarity.职场妈妈不再罕见。Working from home would be an impossibility.在家办公是不可能的事。Working as store manager was a poisoned chalice as it became more and more difficult to be the boss of her friends.店长这差事就是一泓苦酒,因为管理她手下的朋友越来越难了。Working in publishing turned out to be less than glamorous.事实证明在出版界工作远不是件有趣的事。Working with abused children transformed Scott's life.帮助受虐儿童的工作改变了斯科特的生活。Working with animals is right up her street. 从事和动物相关的工作正是她所擅长的。Working at home makes sense, in many ways.在家工作从很多方面来说都是合理的。Working in front of a computer all day may be detrimental to your eyesight.整天在电脑前面工作会损害视力。Working under a tight deadline can concentrate the mind wonderfully.在紧迫的工期下工作,能很好地集中精力。Working on a farm requires a lot of physical strength.在农场劳动需要很强的体力。Working full-time and raising children keeps her on the trot from morning till night.全职工作和抚养孩子让她从早到晚忙个不停。Working hours were limited by statute.劳动时间是由法令限定的。Working at home is a good option, because, to begin with, what's the point of driving two hours a day just to sit in front of a computer?在家上班是个很好的选择,首先因为一天开两小时车就为了坐在电脑前有什么意思呢?Working parents are not allowed to refuse inconvenient shifts.上班的父母即使碰上时间不方便的轮班也不能拒绝。Working in the garden makes me very tired.在花园里干活把我累得够呛。Working in the garden all day really did me in. = After working in the garden all day, I was/felt done in. 在花园干了一整天,累得我够呛。Working conditions have bettered a lot.工作条件已大为改善。Working at home makes it easier to combine parenthood with work.在家工作使人比较容易兼顾工作和家长之职。Working at the sharp end, many of us have noted an increase in the number of patients attending surgeries.从事一线工作,我们很多人已经注意到来做手术的病人越来越多。Working full-time may not be your best option.全职工作不一定是你的最佳选择。Working in a factory involves the same routine day in, day out.在工厂干活就是天天都做同样的工作。!Working on the film was an amazing experience.参与这部电影的制作是一次了不起的经历。Working irregular hours is all part and parcel of being a journalist.工作时间不规律是做记者的基本特征。Working abroad should be a positive experience.去海外工作应该是一种很好的经历。Working out with a step can be very rigorous.用健身踏板锻炼会很讲究。Working out the quantities of the ingredients involved some complicated maths.算出各种成分的数量要用到一些复杂的数学运算。Working with the police has turned me against the use of violent scenes as entertainment.与警方合作后,我开始很反感把暴力场面作为娱乐表演的做法。Working outdoors all day certainly did wonders for my insomnia.整天在户外干活无疑对我的失眠症产生了奇妙的作用。Working iron requires higher temperatures than bronze.加工铁比加工青铜需要更高的温度。Working hours are limited by statute.工作时间有法令限制。Working mothers shouldn't feel guilty about wanting a career.在职妈妈不应该为追求事业而感到内疚。Working as an au pair, I spend most of my time with young children, so I dress casually.我是做换工的,大部分时间和小孩子在一起,所以穿得很随便。Working at home on Fridays suits him down to the ground.周五在家工作对他来说再方便不过了。Working so late is starting to play havoc with her social life.工作到那么晚开始扰乱她的社交生活。Working people everywhere object to paying taxes.各地的工薪族都反对缴税。Working at home was making her feel increasingly isolated.在家工作使她越来越觉得与世隔绝。Working from home, she could arrange her hours round her children.在家工作,她就可以围绕孩子安排时间了。Working with these children requires a great deal of patience.和这些孩子打交道需要极大的耐心。Working abroad should be an exciting and positive experience for all concerned.在海外工作对所有相关人员来说都应该是一段让人兴奋而愉快的经历。




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