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词汇 止痛药
例句 The painkillers brought almost immediate relief.止痛药几乎立即缓解了疼痛。Did you look in the medicine cabinet/chest for a pain reliever?你在药箱里找了止痛药吗?The painkillers wore off after a couple of hours.止痛药在几个小时后逐渐失去了药效。I'm still a little dopey from the painkillers.服了止痛药,我现在还有点迷迷糊糊的。Painkillers are very useful in small amounts to bring your temperature down.小剂量的止痛药对于降低体温非常有用。I can give you stronger pain-killing drugs if these aren't strong enough.如果这些止痛药药力不够的话,我可以给你一些药效更强的。The nurse will give you something to kill the pain.护士会给你一些止痛药They've doped her quite heavily because she was in such pain.由于她痛得很厉害,他们已给她服用了大量的止痛药She had become addicted to painkillers.她吃止痛药已经上瘾了。Why don't you get the doctor to write you a prescription for some painkillers?你为什么不让医生给你开些止痛药呢?I was in such a daze from the painkillers.止痛药的作用让我恍恍惚惚的。For three years I managed without pain-killing drugs.我有三年时间没有吃止痛药She eventually developed a dependence on the painkillers she was taking.她最后对服用的止痛药形成了依赖。She took an overdose of painkillers.她服了过量止痛药New ways to treat arthritis may provide an alternative to painkillers.关节炎的新疗法可能是止痛药之外的另一种选择。He became addicted to pain medication.他对止痛药上了瘾。I've been prescribed painkillers.医生给我开了些止痛药He is fighting to beat an addiction to booze and painkillers.他正在努力克服对酒精和止痛药的依赖。Painkillers were administered to the boy.已给那个孩子服了止痛药Some doctors carry out mercy killings by giving large quantities of pain-killing drugs.有些医生以给病人服大量止痛药的方式来实行安乐死。She gave me a prescription for painkillers.她给我开了一个止痛药的处方。I've got such a bad headache I'm going to have to take a couple of painkillers.我的头疼得不得了,我得吃几片止痛药The painkillers gave me an amazing high.止痛药让我感到舒服极了。She took some maximum-strength medicine for her headache.她服用了一些强力止痛药治疗她的头痛。A lot of painkillers are basically the same, differing only in cost.许多止痛药都大同小异,只是价格上有差别罢了。Acupuncture may provide an alternative to painkillers.针刺疗法也许可以替代止痛药I took a couple of painkillers, which took the edge off the pain.我服了几片止痛药,减轻了疼痛。I took some over-the-counter painkillers for my headache.我头疼,服了一些非处方止痛药The hospital advised an analgesic for chest and shoulder pains.医院建议用止痛药治疗胸部和肩部疼痛。The painkillers kicked in and he became sleepy.止痛药开始起作用了,他变得昏昏欲睡。Sometimes a mild painkiller is enough to ease the pain.有时候一点轻度的止痛药就足以缓解疼痛。There was little to offer migraine patients besides non-specific painkillers.对患偏头痛的病人,除了一般止痛药,没什么特效药。The pain began to ease up after she was given a sedative.她服了止痛药后,疼痛开始缓解。Painkillers are useful to bring your temperature down.止痛药有助于降低体温。The doctor was dosing her with painkillers.医生在给她服止痛药




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