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词汇 companion
例句 She was a cheerful and agreeable companion.她是个乐观的、讨人喜欢的伙伴。Her companion had a broad Australian accent.她的同伴有很重的澳大利亚口音。You come over as a capable and amusing companion.你给人的感觉是一个能干、风趣的同伴。This book is a companion to Professor Farrer's first work.这本书是法勒教授第一部作品的姊妹篇。I asked my travelling companion what he thought of the situation in Algeria.我问我的驴友对阿尔及利亚的形势有什么看法。The book is the companion volume to his previous book on jazz.这本书是他先前那本关于爵士乐的书的姊妹篇。At dinner, share a half carafe of agreeable wine with an agreeable companion.晚饭时,和知己分享半壶美酒。Have you seen the companion to this glove?你看见这副手套的另外一只了吗?I had already guessed the identity of her companion.我早已猜出她同伴的身份了。He gazed reflectively at his companion.他盯着自己的同伴,若有所思。The unit's compact size makes it an ideal travel companion.这一装置体积小,非常适合旅行携带。He winked an eye at his companion.他朝同伴使了一下眼色。He was a good friend, a dependable companion.他是一个很好的朋友,一个可以信赖的伙伴。Taking his cue from his companion, he apologized for his earlier display of temper.他也学着像同伴那样,为先前发脾气道歉。The dog soon became my constant companion.那只狗很快就成为我忠实的伙伴。Are you alone or with a companion?你单独一人还是与朋友在一起? He left the major part of his £60 million fortune to his close friend and companion, Jerry Edwards.他把六千万英镑的财产大部分留给了他的密友和伙伴杰里·爱德华兹。She looks small by the side of her companion.与她同伴一比,她就显得瘦小。She may not be an ideal companion for young children.她也许不是陪伴小孩子的理想人选。She was a delightful companion.她是个令人愉快的同伴。We've hired a companion for my elderly mother.我们雇了个陪护来照顾年迈的母亲。Donovan cocked an interrogative eye at his companion, who nodded in reply.多诺万向他的同伴投以疑问的眼神,对方点头回应。Ed is a great travelling companion - funny and sensible at the same time.埃德是个很好的旅伴,既风趣又有理智。The fear of imprisonment is her daily companion.她天天害怕被关进监狱。She has been my closest companion since childhood.她自小就是我最亲密的伙伴。I've seen pit bulls make wonderful companion animals.我发现比特犬是很好的宠物。He was not a fit companion for their skipper that particular morning.那天早晨,他没能和队长配合好。A cute little terrier was his constant companion.一只可爱的小猎狐狗是他忠实的伙伴。Claude was a charming, sophisticated companion.克劳德是一个很有魅力、见多识广的伙伴。Mingling genuine news with gossip, she made a lively companion.她的言谈结合了真实新闻与流言蜚语,是个充满活力的同伴。I know her but not her companion.我认识她,但不认识她的同伴。Taking his cue from his companion, he apologized for his earlier display of temper.他也学同伴那样,为先前发脾气的事道歉。The table is a companion piece to the two chairs.这张桌子是跟那两把椅子配套的。I've still got one of the candlesticks but I've lost its companion.我还拥有一个烛台,却把配对的另一个给弄丢了。The book is a companion to the television series with the same name.这本书是同名电视连续剧的配套读物。He stopped in answer to a telegraphic glance from his companion.他见到同伴递来一个眼色便停住了。When he tried to make a bolt for it, my companion dashed over pointing his pistol at him.他想逃之夭夭时,我的同伴冲了过去,把枪对住他。An astrologer told her that she would meet her lifelong companion in her twenties.一位占星家对说她将在二十多岁时遇到自己的终身伴侣。Our only companion is the wandering albatross, which glides effortlessly and gracefully behind the yacht.陪伴我们的仅有那只盘旋的信天翁,它在游艇后面优雅轻盈地翱翔。Pain was his constant companion. 疼痛始终伴随他。




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