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例句 I never seriously doubted his story.我从未真正怀疑过他讲的自己的故事。I apologized for having doubted his word.我为曾经怀疑过他的话道歉。No one doubted the depth of his faith. 没有人怀疑他对信仰的笃定。Her justness is not to be doubted.她的公正毋容置疑。Some of them doubted the feasibility of the proposal.他们中有些人怀疑这一建议的可行性。He doubted there were any cannibal tribes living in the hills.他不相信山里住着食人部落。He doubted that the car was hers because everyone knew she had no money.他怀疑那辆车不是她的,因为人人都知道她没有钱。No one doubted that the president was a man of the highest integrity.没有人怀疑总裁是个光明磊落的人。Many people doubted his theory, but most of them have now finally seen the light. 许多人怀疑他的理论,但他们中的大多数人现在终于信服了。They have never doubted of success.他们对成功从未怀疑过。Some people doubted that the attacks on the American ships had actually taken place.一些人不相信这些对美国舰船的攻击真的发生过。She loved him, and had never doubted him.她爱他,对他从来没有产生过怀疑。Off the record, the policeman doubted the mayor's story.私底下,那警察对市长的说辞有所怀疑。I always knew that I would be famous one day. I never for a moment doubted it at all.我一直认为我会有成名的一天。我从来没有怀疑过。They doubted his lucidness.他们怀疑他是否神志清醒。In all the years I knew him I never once doubted his story.我认识他那么多年,从来没有怀疑过他的话。He doubted whether the plan was realizable in practice.他怀疑这个计划是否可行。No one doubted his ability, his industry or his integrity.没人怀疑他的能力、勤奋和正直。The scientist doubted the feasibility of the experiment.科学家对这项实验是否可行有怀疑。We've never doubted her honesty.我们从没怀疑过她的诚实。He doubted if he would learn anything new from Marie.他认为他不太可能从玛丽那儿学到任何新东西。She doubted that the accident could have been avoided.她不认为那场意外本可以避免。They doubted that Fiona could finish the course, but they reckoned without her determination.他们怀疑菲奥娜能否读完课程,但他们没有考虑到她的决心。She doubted the correctness of the information.她怀疑消息的准确性。She doubted the propriety of letting him buy her presents.她拿不准让他为她买礼物是否得体。I never doubted myself. I always knew I could play tennis at this level.我从来都相信自己,我一直都知道我网球能打出这个水平。They seriously doubted whether the letter had ever existed.他们对此信是否真的存在深表怀疑。I'm sorry I doubted your word.对不起,我怀疑过你的诺言。Nobody that I spoke to doubted his sincerity as a politician.和我谈过话的人中没有一个怀疑他作为一个政治家的诚意。No one has ever doubted his straightness.从来没人怀疑过他的率直。It was possible that Maggie had been delayed, but he doubted it.玛吉有可能被什么事耽误了,但他不相信。Many commentators doubted the political wisdom of introducing a new tax.许多评论家怀疑开征一项新税在政治上是否明智。I never doubted their ultimate success. 我从未怀疑过他们最终会成功。No one doubted his ability.没有人怀疑他的能力。Lee privately doubted the truth of this statement.李暗自怀疑这种说法是否符合事实。Many doubted the official version of events.许多人都对事件的官方说法感到怀疑。She doubted his ability to succeed.她不能肯定他是否有能力取得成功。No one directly involved with the case doubted him.与此案直接相关的人中没有人怀疑他。They doubted of the feasibility of the project.他们对这个计划的可行性表示怀疑。He doubted the ship's seaworthiness.他怀疑这艘船是否适合航海。




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