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词汇 欺侮
例句 John liked to kick around the little boys.约翰喜欢欺侮小孩。He endured years of bullying and misery.他忍受了多年的欺侮和痛苦。The court heard that the head of department would routinely bully and humiliate workers.证人在法庭上作证说,部门负责人经常欺侮、羞辱工人。I admired the way you refused to let him bully you - I didn't think you had it in you.你没让他欺侮你,我很欣赏你的勇敢—我不曾想到你还有这本事。The manager pushed us around until we threatened to stop working.直到我们威胁要罢工,经理才不再欺侮我们。She formed the opinion that one of the pupils was bullying the other.她得出的看法是,其中一个学生在欺侮另一个学生。Fiona was determined that she would be nobody's doormat.菲奥娜决心不受任何人欺侮I was bullied horrendously to the point where I wanted to kill myself.我受到骇人听闻的欺侮,恨不得自杀。We are concerned by complaints that children are being bullied.我们很关心有关孩子们受到欺侮的投诉。He told reporters they wouldn't be able to kick him around any more.他告诉记者他们再也无法欺侮他了。It is wrong of you to bully the child.你不该欺侮那个孩子。Make sure he doesn't treat you like a doormat.请确定他不会欺侮你。I have my pride, you know. They can't kick me around.要知道,我是有自尊心的,他们不能欺侮我。A group of girls would bully the younger kids, and force them to give them money.一帮女孩子会欺侮小一点的孩子,逼他们交钱。Schools need to have clear rules on bullying, backed by a system of punishments.学校对欺侮他人的行为必须作出明确规定,并通过一套系统的处罚制度予以支持。The new boy was constantly bullied at school.新来的男孩在校老是被人欺侮He was a weakly child and bullied by his schoolmates.他身体孱弱,经常被同学欺侮If you are caught bullying his brother, that's your funeral.如果你被撞见欺侮他弟弟,那你可要倒霉了。She's a tough old girl, don't let her bully you.她是个非常粗野的老妇人,别被她欺侮了。Bob was stronger than other boys, and he threw his weight around.鲍勃仗着自己身体强壮,老是欺侮别的男孩。




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