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Gymnasts have excellent balance.体操运动员的平衡能力极好。She is currently fifth in the world gymnastics rankings. 她目前在世界体操运动员中排名第五。She won fame as the youngest-ever Olympic champion gymnast.她以成为奥运史上最年轻的体操冠军而一夜成名。Germany has the potential to medal in gymnastics this year.今年德国有可能在体操项目上获得奖牌。The gymnast dismounted from the parallel bars.体操运动员从双杠上下来。Repeat this exercise ten times every day and you'll soon have a flatter stomach.每天把这体操做十遍,你的肚子很快就会变小。The gymnast made a clean landing.那位体操运动员干净利落地落了地。The gymnast poised herself on the balance beam gracefully.体操运动员优美地立在平衡木上。Many students are also keeping fit through jogging, aerobics, weight training, and the like.很多学生还通过慢跑、有氧体操、负重训练等方式来健身。The girls went through their gymnastic routine.女孩子们完成了她们整套的体操动作。The young gymnast is ranked fifth in the world.这位年轻的体操运动员排名世界第五。At college he engaged in gymnastics.他在大学里参加体操活动。In virtually every sport, with the possible exception of women's gymnastics, the players are now bigger and stronger than before.几乎在所有体育运动中,可能除女子体操外,现在的运动员都要比过去更加高大强壮。The gymnast performed a difficult vault.体操运动员表演了一个有难度的撑手跳跃。These exercises help to develop good posture.这些体操能使仪态优美。Gymnasts need flexibility and balance.体操运动员要具有柔韧性和平衡能力。She loves gymnastics.她喜欢练体操。When she was young she practiced gymnastics.她年轻时练过体操。He teaches gymnastics at the local high school.他在当地一所高中教体操。Sophie goes to gymnastics every Friday.索菲每个星期五都去做体操。Gymnastics is a sport that requires a lot of coordination.体操是一项要求具备高度协调性的运动。His physical exercises grew fewer and fewer, then tapered into nothingness.他做体操的次数愈来愈少,到后来就一次也不做了。I had to admire the contortions of the gymnasts.我不得不为体操运动员扭曲身体摆出的各种姿势而赞叹。I left my gym stuff in the car.我把体操服留在车里了。The gymnast developed a stress fracture in her ankle.这位女体操运动员的踝关节出现了应力性骨折。The young gymnasts who won the competition were a talented and disciplined team.赢得比赛的年轻体操运动员们是一支才华出众纪律严明的队伍。Olga Korbut single-handedly turned gymnastics into a major event.奥尔佳·科布特独自一人将体操变成了一项重要赛事。She started doing gymnastics at the age of five.她五岁开始练体操。The gymnast turned/performed/did a somersault.这名体操运动员做了一个空翻。The medal is being keenly contested by eight gymnasts.八名体操运动员在激烈争夺这枚奖牌。Gymnastics are useful in the development of muscle.体操有利于肌肉发达。She's a talented gymnast but she doesn't have the spark of some of her competitors.她是位有天赋的体操运动员,但和一些竞争对手相比她缺乏活力。Try these toning exercises before you start the day.在开始一天的活动之前,试着做做这些强身健体的体操。Synchronized swimming is a hybrid of swimming, dance and gymnastics, and is a spectacular event of the Olympics.水上芭蕾结合了游泳、跳舞和体操,是奥运最有可看性的项目之一。The gymnast performed a series of balances.这名体操运动员做了一系列平衡动作。The gymnasts performed their routines perfectly.体操运动员完美地完成了一系列动作。The gymnasts finish with floor exercises and the balance beam.体操运动员以自由体操和平衡木项目结束比赛。They're doing exercises to improve their fitness.他们为增强体质而做体操。Bodily exercise whips up the circulation.做体操促进血液循环。I told the children to put on their gym kit and go outside.我叫孩子们穿好体操服到外面去。 |