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词汇 模特
例句 While the modelling business is by no means easy to get into, the good model, male or female, will always be in demand.尽管模特行业绝不是那么容易进入的,但是好的模特,不论男女,总是需要的。Her job is to go round the big fashion shows sniffing out talent for a modelling agency.她的工作就是观看大型时装展示会,为模特经纪公司发现人才。The artists sketched the nude model.画家们对着裸体模特画素描。The portrait was finished after only three sittings.只让模特坐了三次,这张肖像就画完了。Juliet was not only the painter's best model but also his muse.朱丽叶不仅是这位画家最好的模特,也是他灵感的源泉。While many models vow to go back to college, few do.很多模特发誓要重回大学校园,但很少有人做到。She's been approached by a modelling agency.一家模特代理公司曾与她接洽过。I was gobsmacked when I saw your picture of a model wearing a hat with a toy airplane on it.看到你照片中的模特戴的帽子顶上立着一架玩具飞机,我真是目瞪口呆。She moved to London in the hope of finding work as a model, but failed.她搬到伦敦,希望找做模特的工作,但没找到。She had once posed for life classes when she was an art student.她在艺校上学时曾当过人体写生课模特She's modeling Donna Karan's fall collection.她在为唐娜·凯伦的秋装系列当模特His models wore beautiful clothes made of delicate, airy fabrics.他的模特都身着精致轻薄面料制成的漂亮衣服。There's the chance of being plucked from obscurity and thrown into the glamorous world of modelling.有机会从默默无闻中脱颖而出,进入光鲜亮丽的模特圈。The model pouted for the cameras.模特隆起双唇拍照。He had had an illicit association with a model.他和一个模特有过不正当关系。Skye has scarcely missed a beat as one of the Gold Coast's spectacular models.作为黄金海岸上最出色的模特之一,斯凯几乎从未错失过任何机会。She walked like a model, with an exaggerated swing of the hips.她走路像个模特,屁股夸张地一扭一扭。My mother thought that I should be a model, but I knew that was a dead end.妈妈觉得我应该做模特,但我知道那是条死胡同。The photographs show the models in both clothed and nude poses.这些照片展示了模特们着装和裸体的各种姿势。David graciously volunteered to model for the art class.好心的戴维主动提出为美术课做模特Her confidence and poise show that she is a top model.她的自信与镇定表明她是一个十分优秀的模特Although she had been quite a successful model, she had never reached the giddy heights of the Paris fashion world.她虽然是一个很成功的模特,但是她从来没有到达巴黎时装界那个高不可攀的顶峰。For the lucky few, there's the chance of being plucked from obscurity and thrown into the glamorous world of modelling.只有极少数幸运儿才有机会从籍籍无名中脱颖而出,进入光鲜亮丽的模特圈。She fell into modelling quite by accident.她很偶然地当了模特The agency plucked Naomi from obscurity and turned her into one of the world's top models.这个经纪公司挖掘了默默无闻的娜奥米,并把她打造成了世界顶尖模特Models find themselves wearing sexually provocative clothing.模特们发现自己的穿着妖冶撩人。Anna is a rising star in the world of modelling.安娜是模特界的新秀。Donna has grown tired of being a model.唐娜已经不喜欢当模特了。I like the dress that's on the dummy.我喜欢假人模特穿的那件连衣裙。He clothed his models in tweed jackets and comfy cardigans.他给模特穿上粗花呢夹克和舒适的羊毛开衫。She will become famous one way or another —if not by modeling, then by acting or singing.她无论如何都会出名的,如果不是当模特,就是靠表演或唱歌。The model has a bony, waifish look.那名模特一副骨感瘦弱的模样。Angela used to be a model and has decided to take it up again.安杰拉以前当过模特,现已决定重操旧业了。The former model is now mixing with movie people in Hollywood.这位前模特现在与好莱坞电影人有来往。She was offered her first modelling job while she was still in the sixth-form.她还在上六年级的时候就得到了第一份模特工作。She worked in a strip joint before she became a model.她当模特之前曾在一家脱衣舞酒吧工作。I was really gobsmacked when I saw your picture of a model wearing a hat with a toy airplane on it.看到你照片中的模特戴着一个顶上立着一架玩具飞机的帽子,我真是目瞪口呆。Police seem to have reached a dead end in the dismembered model case.警方在模特被肢解一案中似乎走进了死胡同。The prestigious title offered a gateway to success in the highly competitive world of modelling.在竞争异常激烈的模特界,这一享有盛誉的头衔打开了通往成功的大门。She had sat for famous painters like Rossetti.她为罗塞蒂等著名画家当过模特




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