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词汇 communist
例句 The idea was to abandon the communist model, and create a market economy in its place.这个想法是要抛开老的模式,取而代之以市场经济。The EU could be expanded to include former communist countries.欧盟可以通过吸收前共产主义国家来扩大自己的规模。The old communist party still holds sway in many rural areas.该党仍控制着许多农村地区。His main desire was to strike a blow against the communist forces.他的主要意图是打击共产主义力量。Both countries had thrown off the communist yoke.两国都已经摆脱了共产主义的枷锁。The US broke off diplomatic relations with Cuba's communist government.美国中断了与古巴共产党政权之间的外交关系。Karpati had recently risen to prominence in the communist party.卡帕蒂新近在共产党中跻身于显要地位。Jessica espoused an American communist.杰茜卡嫁给了一个美国共产主义者。They distanced themselves from the upper class and adopted a communist ideology.他们与上流阶层疏远并接受了共产主义思想。Many people in the industry were blacklisted for their communist sympathies.行业里有许多人因为同情共产党而被列入了黑名单。Miller refused to testify and paid for it by being labelled a communist.米勒拒绝作证,因此付出了代价—他被说成是共产党人。The transition from a communist system to a free market economy will be difficult.从殖民统治转变为自治会很困难。At school we were fed communist/right-wing propaganda.在学校时我们被灌输了共产主义/右翼思想。In less than five years, he went from being a communist to being a member of the military government.不到五年时间,他从一名共产主义者转变成了军政府的一员。The minister accused his opponent of being a crypto-communist.部长指责其对手是地下共产党员。They were discussing the best way to foster democracy and prosperity in the former communist countries.他们正在讨论促进前共产主义国家民主和繁荣的最佳办法。




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