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词汇 植株
例句 She staked the tomatoes to keep them from falling over.她用木桩撑住西红柿植株以免其倒下。The new plant will have characteristics of both parent plants.植株将兼有雌雄两亲本的特征。She packed soil around the roots of the plant.她给植株根部封上土。The application of fertilizer increased the size of the plants.施肥使植株长得更高大了。All the tomato plants are infected with a virus.所有的西红柿植株都染上了一种病毒。This helps to ripen new growth and makes it flower profusely.这有助于新生发植株的成熟,令其开出繁茂的花朵。Position trailing plants near the edges and in the sides of the basket to hang down.把蔓生植株靠边放,使其从篮子的四面垂下。Choose a warm, dry day to cut them off the plants, being careful not to bruise them.选一个干燥暖和的日子把它们从植株上割下来,注意不要碰伤它们。During dormancy the plants must be kept very dry.休眠期间,植株必须保持干燥。Remove rusty leaves and spray the plants with fungicide.除去患锈病的叶子,再给植株喷洒杀真菌剂。On established plants, prune away older stems after flowering.对于已扎根的植株,在开花后剪除老茎。Pinch out the tips of the young growths to make for compact, bushy plants.掐掉幼株的芽尖以使植株长得紧凑浓密。Flowers are designed to attract insects which then carry the pollen from plant to plant.花的作用在于吸引昆虫,然后昆虫再将花粉传到其他植株上。Tomato plants must be watered regularly.西红柿植株必须定期浇水。The virus attacks the plant, the flower does not open, and consequently no seeds are produced.病毒攻击植株,开不了花,所以也结不了籽。The plants are regularly spaced.这些植株间距均匀。Best results are obtained by starting the plants off in a warm greenhouse.要想取得最理想的结果,一开始就应该让植株在温暖的温室里生长。Turn the plants out of their pots.植株从花盆里取出。Dryness at the roots can occur very easily specially when plants are grown in containers.根部很容易干枯,特别是当植株被种养在盆中时。Tomato plants should be staked.西红柿植株得用架子架起来。Firmly compress the soil in the pot so that the plant is secure.把盆里的土压实使植株固定。If the soil dries out the plants may bolt.如果土壤干透,植株可能会过早结实。




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