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词汇 棘手
例句 The problems were annoying, but we managed to cope.问题很棘手,但是我们设法处理好了。It'll be a bit of a push, but we'll manage it.这会有点儿棘手,但我们会设法完成。You opened a real can of worms with that last question.你提出的最后一个问题很棘手It's a difficult situation. You can't just plunge in and put everything right.情况棘手,不是贸然行动就解决得了的。That's a real twister you've set.你要办的那件事情真棘手For a tough issue like this there are no easy answers.像这样的棘手问题,目前还没有现成的解决办法。It's an imperfect solution to a difficult problem.对于一个棘手问题,这是个不完美的解决方案。Until now both candidates have avoided talking about the touchy subject of health care reform.两位候选人直到现在仍在避免谈及医疗保健改革这一棘手话题。Fortunately for the government, this issue has drawn attention away from the hot potato of funding the London Underground.对政府来说幸运的是,这一话题转移了大家对伦敦地铁资金来源这个棘手问题的注意力。Luckily nobody asked any awkward questions about what he was doing there.幸运的是,没人问起有关他在那儿做什么事的棘手问题。It is essential that we tackle this thorny problem.我们很有必要处理这个棘手问题。The problem turned out to be less tractable than I had expected.这个问题最后处理起来远比我预期的棘手It's a difficult situation and I don't know what the answer is.这种局面很棘手,我不知道该怎么办。The rehearsal of your answers to the most difficult quesitons would be helpful in your doctoral defense.默述最棘手问题的答案对你的博士论文答辩会很有帮助。It can be a bit difficult when there are two lots of parents involved.有两批家长参与其中,事情可能有点棘手The lack of a license was pinching me.没有执照我感到很棘手It was a bit tricky introducing a blind date to my boss.给我老板介绍相亲对象有点棘手Things were really tough at first.起初事情确实有点儿棘手It might be worth your while to go to court. This is tricky, though, and you'll need expert advice.对你来说这官司或许值得一打,不过这件事有点棘手,你需要专家的建议。We thought the project would be simple, but it turned out to be a real can of worms.我们原以为那个项目很简单,后来却发现很棘手International law is notoriously slippery.人所共知,国际法相当棘手The problem was tough to solve.这个问题解决起来很棘手It was tough, but I managed OK.这事比较棘手,但我搞定了。The problem was a real sod to fix.那个问题确实棘手Let's not skirt round the awkward questions.咱们大家不要回避棘手问题。Child protection workers were meeting to discuss her case.儿童保护工作者正在开会讨论涉及到她的棘手问题。The infection can be particularly troublesome if it affects the lungs or throat.感染的部位如果是肺或咽喉,就会变得格外棘手As soon as things got difficult he took the easy way out.事情刚变得有点儿棘手,他就急忙脱身。Money policy is fast becoming a hot potato.货币政策很快地成为一个棘手难题。Barry Hearn forewarned me that the meeting was going to be tough.巴里·赫恩事先提醒我,说这次会议将会很棘手He gradually developed the competence to deal with the more difficult cases.他逐渐具备了处理更棘手问题的能力。Anticipate any tough questions and rehearse your answers.预先考虑可能遇到的各种棘手问题,并且自己练习回答。The chemistry test was a bear.这个化学实验很棘手Planning their wedding was starting to get on top of them.筹办婚礼对他们来说变得棘手起来。This case is going to be tough, but I promise I'll give it my best shot.这个案子很棘手,但我保证会尽力而为。Drug abuse is a can of worms nobody wants to open at sporting events.滥用药物是体育赛事中无人想要触及的棘手问题。The issue is likely to prove a prickly one.这个问题有可能很棘手Whoever wins the election is going to have a tough job getting the economy back on its feet…不管是谁赢得选举都将面对复苏经济的棘手任务。It's a sticky situation.局面相当棘手The issue is likely to prove a prickly one.这个问题可能会很棘手




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