例句 |
His parents often did without lunch or supper so that he could have more.他的父母经常不吃午饭或晚饭,好让他可以多吃一点。A little food will pick you up.吃一点东西你就会有劲的。Have a piece of fruit to keep you going.吃一点水果,不要太饿。Try and eat a little.试著吃一点吧! Have salmon or other fatty fish more often.多吃一点鲑鱼或其他含脂肪的鱼。Would you like a nibble?你想吃一点吗? You can have a few chips, but not too many.你可以吃一点炸马铃薯条,但不能吃太多。Can't I tempt you to have another helping?请再吃一点,好不好? Don't you want any more to eat? That's not like you.你不再吃一点吗?那可不像你呀。I'll have some of that cake if it's going spare.如果那蛋糕没有人要,我就吃一点。 |