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词汇 检测
例句 The real/true test of your ability as a skier is whether you can ski well on very hard snow.真正检测一个滑雪者的本领,要看在非常硬的雪上能否滑得好。He underwent tests to assess his injuries.他接受了检测以评估伤情。All three tests have concordant results.三项检测的结果都一致。Regulations require water authorities to test sea water for bacteria.条例规定水务部门应检测海水中是否含有细菌。The test detected minute amounts of contamination.这次测试检测出微量污染。Although the tests have caused some delay, flights should be back to normal this morning.虽然检测造成了一定的延迟,不过今天早上航班就应该能恢复正常了。The surveyor will use a laptop computer to give on the spot advice.检测员会用一台手提电脑当场给出意见。New imaging technologies mean that doctors are better able to screen for breast cancer.新的成像技术意味着医生能更容易检测出乳腺癌。Does this test show the gender of the baby?这种检测能测出胎儿的性别吗?Check out the links in our home site.检测一下我们主站点上的链接。The nurse checked the patient's vitals.护士检测了患者的生命体征。The test produced too many false positives to be reliable.检测中出现太多的假阳性结果,并不可靠。When the experimenters repeated the tests on themselves, they observed an exactly opposite effect.当实验者在自己身上进行检测时,他们观测到了完全相反的结果。Testing needs to be done to determine the long-term effects on humans.需要进行检测以确定其对人的长期影响。The water gets tested regularly.水质定期检测She tested positive/negative for AIDS.她艾滋病检测呈阳性/阴性。Athletes competing in the tournament will be tested for illegal drugs.参加锦标赛的运动员们将进行违禁药物检测The tests confirmed the doctors' suspicions of cancer.这些检测结果证实了医生对癌症的猜测。He tested positive for a banned substance and was stripped of his medal.他违禁药物检测呈阳性,于是奖牌被剥夺。Test the fabric first for colour fastness.首先检测一下织物的色牢度。The testing and approval of new drugs will be speeded up.新药品的检测和审批速度将会加快。There is no definitive test as yet for the condition.对这种病目前还没有决定性的检测手段。The new safety test came into force last month.新的安全检测上月开始实行。A spin-out company from Aberdeen University has developed a novel eye-movement test to help in the diagnosis of psychiatric disorders.一家从阿伯丁大学分拆出来的公司开发了一种新的眼动检测用以协助精神病诊断。The mineral water was taken off the market while tests were being made.这种矿泉水在做检测的时候被撤出了市场。The machine senses when the engine gets too hot, and shuts itself off.引擎过热时机器会检测出来并自动关机。Tests of the chemical have shown that it has a high level of toxicity.对该化学品的检测表明,它的毒性很大。Sometimes doctors have to base a diagnosis on intuition as much as on scientific tests.有时候医生确诊一种病不仅仅要靠科学检测,还要依靠直觉。The probe is sensitive enough to detect the presence of a single microbe.这个探测器灵敏度很高,哪怕只有一个微生物个体也能检测出来。The test indicated high levels of lead in the soil.检测表明土壤中铅的含量很高。The equipment is able to detect the minutest errors.这种设备能检测出最微小的误差。They will test the soil for traces of lead.他们将检测土壤中是否含铅。Changes were monitored over a period of two months.对变化的检测历时两个月。The water should be tested for lead.这水要检测含铅量。The tests confirm the existence of a brain tumour.这些检测证实了脑瘤的存在。He was arrested at his home in Southampton after a breath test showed he had drunk more than twice the legal limit for driving.呼吸测醉检测显示其饮酒量是法定驾车饮酒限量的两倍多,他随即在南安普顿的家中被捕。The company agreed to inspect the river regularly, as a sop to the environmental lobby.这家公司同意定期对那条河进行检测,以敷衍环保团体。They recently ran a series of tests to measure the efficacy of the drug.他们最近进行了一系列的试验来检测这种药的功效。The number of queues repaired out of the percent detected.修复的队列数目超过检测到的百分比。Each sample was examined through a microscope.每个样本都用显微镜进行了检测




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