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例句 If you have any questions, can you ask them at the end, please.如果有任何问题,请在最后提问。The negotiators have been instructed to dig in their heels on the last two major issues.谈判代表受命在最后两大问题上采取寸步不让的坚定立场。In the last few seconds he got in a beauty on the champion's nose.在最后几秒钟里,他使出漂亮的绝招,一拳打中冠军的鼻子。Each dress is beautifully finished off with piped seams and fitted underskirts.每件连衣裙在最后用滚边接缝并配上合身的衬裙,变得非常漂亮。The Giants are at the bottom of the league.巨人队在联盟里排在最后With the final seconds ticking away, Milan scored a goal.米兰队在最后几秒钟进了一个球。The last track finishes this compilation beautifully.整张选辑在最后一曲优美的旋律中结束。He sank two crucial putts in the last three holes.在最后三洞完成了两个关键的击球入洞。At the last minute his courage failed him.在最后一分钟失去了勇气。The trickiest bits are the last on the list.最棘手的部分列在最后We had last-minute doubts about the man we had chosen as our representative, but the die was cast.在最后一分钟,我们对已选定的代表还有疑虑,但木已成舟。She saved her most potent argument for the end of the speech.她将自己最有力的论证留在最后说。He reviewed his options before making a final decision.在最后作出决定之前,对各种选择进行了斟酌权衡。A man awaiting death by lethal injection has been saved by a last minute reprieve.一个即将被执行注射死刑的男子在最后一分钟获得缓刑。The soldiers fought mightily before finally surrendering.士兵们在最后投降之前浴血奋战。The students' creativity was brought/called/put into play on this last assignment. 在最后这次作业中,学生们的创造力得到了发挥。She got on at the last station.在最后一站上了车。In the last inning, a home run can make you the hero, and a strikeout can make you the goat.在最后一局中,一个本垒打能使你成为英雄,三击未中出局能使你成为千夫所指的对象。He would have had a perfect game, except he walked a batter in the final inning.对他来说,这本来可以是一场完美的比赛的,除了在最后一局他让一名击球手自由上垒。Painters are putting the finishing touches on the baseboards and railings.油漆工正在最后油漆踢脚板和栏杆。He pinch-hit a triple in the last game.在最后一局比赛中替补击球得了三垒打。Our team evened the score in the last minute.我们队在最后一分钟将比分拉平。Let's just say I don't want to be last in line for promotion.我就这样说吧,我可不想排在最后才得到提升。The governor finally met his Waterloo in the last election.这位州长在最后一轮选举中终遭失败。Juventus managed two goals in the last ten minutes.在最后十分钟尤文图斯队成功地进了两个球。Jones scored the decider in the final minute.琼斯在最后一分钟攻入了制胜球。He curled up in the last few strides.在最后几步时支撑不住了。The band disappointed thousands of fans by cancelling at the last minute.乐队在最后一分钟取消了演出,数千歌迷大失所望。Sutton bailed his team out with a goal in the last minute.萨顿在最后一分钟里踢进一球,拯救了他的球队。She has gone/been hitless in her last three games.在最后三场比赛中没有打出一个安打。We were last in a very long queue, so I knew we'd have a long wait.队伍很长,我们排在最后,所以我知道我们要等很长时间。The team picked up a few yards on the last play.球队在最后一局中前进了好几码。Sooner or later he may tire of constantly putting himself last.迟早他会厌倦总是把自己排在最后She eagled at the final hole.在最后一洞打出一记鹰球。Both players were on their mettle in the final round.两名选手在最后一轮中都拼尽了全力。Stanford scored two goals in the last minute to force overtime.斯坦福队在最后一分钟攻入两球,把比赛拖入加时赛。They laughed at us, but look, who's got the last laugh now?他们曾讪笑我们,可是瞧吧,究竟是谁笑在最后?I secured a place in the final round.在最后一轮中,我争取到了一个名额。Our candidate defeated him in the last election.在最后一轮选举中,我们的候选人战胜了他。We lacked that little bit of skill in the final third, but our work rate and commitment were tremendous.在最后第三节的比赛中我们的技巧有所欠缺,但是总体工作率和拼搏精神是非常出色的。




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