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词汇 中情局
例句 He was arrested after a cloak-and-dagger operation involving the CIA and MI6.他在中情局和军情六处联合展开的秘密行动中被捕。He'd snuck out of America hotly pursued by the CIA.他已悄悄离开了美国,中情局特工一路尾随。Ms. Wilson was publicly identified as a CIA operative.威尔逊女士被公开指认为中情局特工。The FBI and the CIA need to share intelligence on terrorism.联邦调查局和中情局应该共享恐怖活动方面的情报。He eyed the two CIA men suspiciously.他怀疑地看着这两个中情局探员。Officials of the CIA depend heavily on electronic mail to communicate with each other.中情局官员之间的联系在很大程度上依赖电子邮件。He drank to excess, occasionally causing scenes in front of CIA officials.他酒喝得过了量,有时候会在中情局官员面前出丑。Someone in the administration leaked the identity of an undercover CIA agent.政府中有人泄露了一名中情局秘密特工的身份。




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