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词汇 桌面上
例句 The table top was finished with two coats of blue enamel.桌面上了两层蓝色瓷漆。The tabletop is overlaid with marble.桌面上铺着大理石。By the window stood a large collapsible table with drawings and pencils all over it.窗边立着一张折叠式大桌子,桌面上放满了图画和铅笔。She slipped the paper over the table top to Marvin.她将报纸从桌面上悄悄地递给马文。Every surface is scattered with photographs.每张桌面上都摊满了照片。The finish on the table was scratched by a knife.桌面上的漆被刀子划破了。The table had several scars on its top.桌面上有几处损伤的痕迹。The scar on the polished tabletop is an eyesore.光洁桌面上的那处损伤很碍眼。There's a small burn on the tabletop.桌面上有一小块烧痕。Hot cups of tea can make marks on polished tables.热茶杯可能会在磨光的桌面上留下烫痕。It means that all the options are at least on the table.这就意味着,至少所有的选择都已经摆到了桌面上There were several small indentations in the surface of the table.桌面上有几个小凹痕。Papers and books covered the surface of the desk.桌面上堆满了文件和书本。She twisted loudly while rolling her body from side to side on the solid table top.她在硬邦邦的桌面上大声痛苦地滚来滚去。The desktop was covered with books and stacks of papers.桌面上堆满了书和一摞一摞的文件。




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