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词汇 核对
例句 I haven't checked them off but I would say that's about the number.我没有逐一核对过,不过,我可以说差不多是这个数。Check the list carefully, item by item.请逐项认真核对清单。They are still collating the data.他们仍在核对数据。I've put stars next to the names I want you to check.我已经在需要让你核对的名字旁边标上了星号。You have to scrupulously check and cross-check everything you hear.你必须仔细检查并多方核对你所听到的每一件事。I'll check the time of the train.我会核对火车时刻的。These figures should be correct because I've checked them personally.这些数字应该是准确的,因为我已经亲自核对过了。The police ran a check on the license plate and found out that the car had been stolen.警方对车牌进行核对后发现这辆车是偷来的。I cross-checked the changes against the original copy. 我对照原稿对这些修改过的地方进行了核对The police are checking his fingerprints against their database.警察正把他的指纹和数据库里的进行核对Tenants should check their tenancy agreements closely.租户应该认真核对租赁合同。Please check up the data.核对一下这些数据。We check your ID and from then on you don't need your card anymore.我们会核对你的身份证明,从此你就不再需要你的卡了。Please give the schedule a check to see if the times are correct.核对日程安排,看看时间是否正确。A computer system is used to collate information from across Britain.一种计算机系统被用来核对来自英国各地的信息。Checking all the address labels was a tiresome task.核对所有的地址标签是件令人厌烦的工作。Did you do a double check of the list?核对清单了吗?I have checked out all the figures and found them to be correct.核对了所有数字,发现都正确。The figures are ready for tabulation and collation.这些数字已准备好,可以制表并核对了。When I checked the total I realized I'd been miles out.当我核对总数的时候,我意识到我完全算错了。Roberts has spent much of his working life collating the data on which the study was based.罗伯茨的很大一部分工作时间都是在核对研究所需的数据。Historians annotate, check, and interpret the diary selections.历史学家对这部日记精选进行注释、核对与解读。The memoirs stand up well to crosschecking with other records.这些传说经得起与其他记录的交叉核对Detectives can now check every criminal's records, which wouldn't be possible without computers.侦探们现在可以核对每个罪犯的记录,没有电脑这是做不到的。I checked the records but nobody by that name has worked here.核对了一下记录,没有叫这个名字的人在这儿工作过。When she crunched the numbers, she found that the business's profits were actually much lower than the company had said.核对数据时发现,企业利润实际上比公司所说的低很多。I checked my change before leaving the store.离开商店前我核对了给我的找头。Check the terms of your tenancy agreement.核对一下你的租赁契约条款。Check the accuracy of everything in your CV.核对简历中的每个细节,务必准确无误。Checking all the names was a slow, laborious job.核对全部名字是件既慢又费劲的事。The process was fastidiously checked.该过程被近乎挑剔般地核对过了。His version will later be cross-checked against that of the university.之后会对他的说法与校方的说法进行多方核对The body remained unidentified until the police checked dental records.直到警察核对了尸体的牙科病历才弄清楚死者的身份。They interview the suspects separately and check that their statements match.他们分开询问嫌疑人,然后核对他们的陈述是否相符。We have to check that he holds a bona fide qualification.我们必须核对一下他是否持有真实的资历证明。Registrars checked the ID cards of prospective voters.登记员核对未来投票人的身份证。Be sure to check over each item on the list for any mistakes.一定要仔细核对单子上列的每项内容,避免出现任何差错。Check the names off the list to make sure everyone is here.核对名单上的名字,看大家是不是都到了。Please check off the parcels before we send them out.我们发出这些包裹之前请一一核对打钩。Barnes is a conscientious and methodical journalist who would have checked all of the facts before writing the story.巴恩斯是个认真尽责、做事有条理的记者。他写报道之前,会把所有的事实都核对一遍。




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