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词汇 树立
例句 If you want to improve your situation you must adopt a positive mental attitude.如果你打算改变自己的境遇,就必须树立一种积极的心态。The broadcast operations have become a tool and image-builder for the corporate conglomerate.广播已成为为大型联合企业树立形象的宣传工具。This is not a good example to set other children.这可没有给别的孩子树立好榜样。You older children are supposed to set a good example to the younger ones.你们这些大孩子应当给小孩子树立好榜样。For years they had been courting influence in Britain's major companies.数年来,他们一直设法在英国大公司中树立影响。Doctors who smoke set a bad example.抽烟的医生给人们树立了坏榜样。You must set a good example to the children.你必须为孩子们树立良好的榜样。Vodka has acquired an upscale image in the US.伏特加在美国已树立起高档商品的形象。Senior officers should be setting a good example for the men.高级军官要为士兵树立好榜样。The function of advertising is to create a unique image for your company.广告的作用是为公司树立一个独特的形象。He has cultivated the image of an elder statesman.他已树立起一个政界元老的形象。He tried to project himself as a strong leader. 他尽力树立一个强势领导人的形象。They don't allow signage around the stadium.他们不允许在体育场周围树立商业标牌。The Conservatives are trying to re-establish themselves in Scotland.保守党正在重新树立自己在苏格兰的地位。The country's economy is a model for the rest of the world.这个国家的经济为世界其他地区树立了榜样。Companies must earn a reputation for honesty.公司必须树立诚信的声誉。The more confidence you build up in yourself, the greater are your chances of success.树立的自信心越强,成功的把握就越大。Art and literature flourished and this set the pattern for the whole of Europe.艺术和文学的兴盛为整个欧洲树立了典范。The outburst was inconsistent with the image he has cultivated.这样大发脾气与他所树立的个人形象不相称。Editorially, they never really became a unique distinct product.就立场和观点来说,它们从未真正做到树立起自己独具一格的视角。He built up a reputation as a tough businessman.树立了铁面生意人的名声。The food industry needs to build consumer confidence again.食品业需要重新树立消费者的信心。You should set an example for your younger brothers.你应该为弟弟们树立个榜样。So car makers are faced with the ticklish problem of how to project products at new buyers.因此,汽车制造商面临着怎样向新顾客树立产品形象的大难题。They are like heavyweight boxers, trying to psych each other out and build themselves up.他们像是重量级拳击运动员,竭力想在心理上压倒对方,树立自己的信心。The country has always been something of a tinderbox because the central state never really managed to establish its authority.由于中央政府从未真正树立其权威,因此该国一直就像个火药桶。His first job will be to project Glasgow as a friendly city.他的第一项任务将是树立格拉斯哥作为一座友好城市的形象。The company has been successful in cultivating a very professional image.公司成功地树立了一个非常专业的形象。He is setting an example which other aristocrats and leading Britons should follow.他为其他贵族和伦敦要人们树立了榜样。Waters doesn't drink or curse because he doesn't want to be a bad example for young people.沃特斯不喝酒不说脏话,因为他不想给年轻人树立坏榜样。The school has carefully fostered its progressive image.这所学校用心地树立起进步的形象。Not only was it wrong of him to steal from the shop, he was setting a very bad example to his younger brother.他在店里盗窃不仅是错误的,而且还给弟弟树立了坏榜样。We're building a transport system that sets a pattern for the future.我们正在建设一个为将来树立典范的交通系统。If you are smoking in front of the children then you are setting them a bad example.如果你在孩子们面前抽烟,那你就给他们树立了一个坏榜样。They set a fashion for the generation.他们为这一代树立了一个新风尚。His opportunity to re-establish himself had been nobbled by the manager's tactics.他重新树立自己地位的机会因教练的战术而流产了。The column is surmounted by a statue.柱顶上树立了一尊雕像。She had built a reputation as a criminal lawyer.她已经树立起了刑事诉讼律师的声望。The company has built up a formidable reputation for quality.这家公司树立了令人钦佩的质量声誉。His behavior sets a good/bad example for the rest of the children.他的行为为其他孩子树立了好榜样/坏典型。




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