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Thousands of people had gathered, hoping to catch a glimpse of the star.成千上万的人聚集起来,都想一睹这位明星的风采。Fans crowded around the rear entrance of the concert hall, hoping to catch a glimpse of the band.歌迷挤在音乐厅后门处,希望能看一眼那乐队。The crowd pressed forward to catch a glimpse of him.观众为看他一眼挤向前去。While you're in Hollywood, you might catch a glimpse of some movie stars.在好莱坞有可能一睹某些电影明星的风采。His eyes strained to catch a glimpse of the President.他极目望去,想看一眼总统。Hundreds of fans clamoured / clamored to catch a glimpse of the star.成百上千的粉丝吵着要求一睹明星的风采。Fans waited for hours at the airport to catch a glimpse of their idol.歌迷们在机场等候多时,想一睹他们偶像的风采。Several thousand supporters strained to catch a glimpse of the new president.几千名支持者翘首企盼能一睹新总统的风采。He sometimes went there to catch a glimpse of the mountain in the distance.他有时去那儿看一看远山。 |