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词汇 catch
例句 Police say they are determined to catch the killer.警方称他们决意要抓获凶手。We saw the eagle swoop from the sky to catch its prey.我们看到老鹰从空中猛扑下去抓捕猎物。She raced to catch the toddler before he could make it out of the front gate.她赶在蹒跚学步的孩子迈出大门之前拦住了他。By some miracle, we managed to catch the plane.我们奇迹般地赶上了飞机。The children legged it up the street before I could catch them.我还来不及捉住那些孩子,他们已沿着大街跑掉了。Kristen has the flu, so I guess we'll all catch it.克里斯滕得了流感,我估计我们都会传染上。Thousands of people had gathered, hoping to catch a glimpse of the star.成千上万的人聚集起来,都想一睹这位明星的风采。You'll catch it if your father finds you trampling on his flower beds.要是你父亲发现你踩他的花坛,你要挨骂了。 There's still time to catch up with them.还有时间赶上他们。She plans to return to Dublin to catch up with relatives.她计划回都柏林去了解亲属的近况。I managed to catch a ride into town with some friends.我和几个朋友一起成功搭车进城。Our dog ran past me and out of the house before I could catch it.我们的狗从我身边跑过,我没抓住,让它跑出了屋子。He felt annoyed to learn that he would not be able to catch the train.听说赶不上火车,他心里很烦恼。With the cooperation of the public, the police may be able to catch this man.在公众的配合之下,警方有可能抓到这个人。As the wood is wet, it won't catch fire.木头是湿的,点不着。I didn't quite catch your name.我没听清楚你的名字。They had to rush to catch the bus.他们要赶紧去赶公共汽车。Being a games mistress in a third-class school isn't much of a catch.在三流学校里当一名游戏课的女教师是没有多大出息的。Hundreds of fans clamoured / clamored to catch a glimpse of the star.成百上千的粉丝吵着要求一睹明星的风采。You catch on fast.你领会得很快。The media assembled to catch the minister's pearls of political wisdom.新闻媒体聚在一起领会部长的政治至理名言。We got there in time to catch the plane.我们及时到了那里,赶上了那班飞机。The authorities launched a massive manhunt, and were able to catch them in one clean sweep.有关单位对于恐怖分子展开了大规模的追缉,终于将他们一网打尽。If you hurry you'll just catch the last post.如果你快点儿的话,还能赶上最后一班邮件。Wolves hunt in packs, using careful strategies to catch their prey.狼通常是成群地觅食,用精心安排的策略捕获猎物。He tried to catch the attendant's eye but the man was already turning away.他试图引起服务员的注意,但那人已经转过身去了。The idea will catch like wildfire.这想法会像野火般迅速传播。They kitted themselves out to catch changes in the political wind.他们作好准备,等待政治风向的变化。If you miss a lot of school, it will be very difficult to catch up.如果你缺课太多,就很难赶上去。The police say they're doing all they can to catch the culprits.警察说他们正在尽其所能逮捕罪犯。Put a bucket over there to catch the drips as they fall.把一只水桶放到那边去接滴下来的水。It's hardly surprising his ideas didn't catch on.他的想法没有被广泛接受,这并不足为奇。The vessels will have to land their catch at designated ports.渔船将不得不在指定的港口卸下捕获物。We shall have to buckle to if we are to catch that train.我们要赶上那班火车就得加紧些。I was now far behind the others and knew I couldn't catch up.我现在已经落后别人很多,知道自己赶不上了。The paradox is that fishermen would catch more fish if they fished less.这则悖论是如果渔夫较少打鱼反而会打到更多的鱼。She made a dart of surprising agility to catch up with the porter.她突然异常敏捷地飞奔起来以赶上这位搬运工。Some people don't catch his deadpan humor, that makes it even funnier.有些人不能了解他那种无表情的幽默,因此更有趣。We need to start cycling faster or we'll never catch up.我们得骑得快些了,不然就再也追不上了。Go on ahead. I'll catch up with you later.继续往前走,我稍后赶上来。




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