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词汇 枪手
例句 The bus was taking people home when the gunmen, lying in ambush, opened fire.那辆公共汽车正载着人们回家时,埋伏着的枪手开了火。Police have released an E-FIT picture of the suspected gunman.警方已公布涉嫌枪手的电子画像。Gunmen stalked and killed several political activists.枪手们悄悄地跟踪并杀害了几位政治活动家。The gunman in Wednesday's attack has been identified as Lee Giggs, an unemployed truck driver.周三袭击事件中的枪手已被确认为李‧吉格斯,一个失业的卡车司机。Our patrol came under fire from rooftop gunmen.我们的巡逻队遭到来自屋顶枪手的射击。The police are looking for the shooter.警方正在寻找枪手He was shot by a lone gunman.他被一个独行枪手射杀。The accused White House shooter was arrested on Wednesday by Pennsylvania state troopers.被控制造了白宫枪击案的枪手于星期三被宾夕法尼亚州警方拘捕。An eyewitness identified him as the shooter.一位目击者认出他就是那个枪手They could see that I was terrified, and hid me until the gunmen had disappeared.他们能看出我吓坏了,就把我藏起来,直到枪手消失为止。Two unidentified gunmen opened fire on the Consulate van.两个身份不明的枪手向领事馆的小型货车开枪。Eastwood plays retired gunfighter Will Munny.伊斯特伍德扮演退出江湖的枪手威尔·芒尼。The gunman was reported as being armed to the teeth and equipped with both a rifle and a pistol. 据报道,枪手武装充足,有一支枪步枪和一把手枪。The gunmen were lying in wait when Mr Predit came out of the hotel.当普雷迪特先生走出那家宾馆时那些枪手正埋伏在周围。The gunners were ready to fire.枪手们正准备射击。The gunman ran to a car driven by an accomplice.枪手跑向由同伙驾驶的车。The gunmen, lying in ambush, opened fire, killing the driver.埋伏的枪手开枪打死了司机。Police hope the sketch will jog someone's memory and help identify the gunman.警方希望这张素描能唤起某人的记忆,帮忙辨认出那个枪手Gunmen killed two people and wounded six others in an attack today.在今天的袭击中,枪手打死了两人,打伤了六人。He gazed fearlessly at the gunman.他毫不畏惧地注视著那枪手Police have issued a description of the gunman.警方已公布了枪手的体貌特征。Eye witnesses identified the gunman as an army sergeant.目击者认出了枪手是一名陆军中士。Even if the trigger men are caught, those who ordered the killing escape punishment.即使枪手被抓住,那些幕后真凶还是逃脱了惩罚。The gunman had been hired by a rival Mafia family to do the dirty deed.一个敌对的黑手党家族雇用了那个枪手来实施这一卑劣行动。Nothing can justify the gunmens’ senseless acts of vengeance.没有理由可以合理解释枪手的这种丧失理智的报复行为。A ring of police has been thrown around the building where the gunman is hiding.一队警察把藏着枪手的房子团团围住。He was murdered at a presidential rally by gunmen in the pay of drug traffickers.他在一场总统竞选集会上被毒品贩子雇用的枪手谋杀了。The gunman had mistaken him for a drug dealer.枪手把他误认成毒品贩子。There were gunmen in some of the buildings who picked off our men as they went past.其中一些大楼里有枪手,我们的人经过时他们就开枪射击。Was President Kennedy killed by a lone gunman, or was there a conspiracy?刺杀肯尼迪总统是独行枪手所为,还是一项阴谋?The gunman had singled Debilly out and waited for him.那名枪手瞄准了德比利,伺机而动。




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