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词汇 构建
例句 Games often have software tools that players can use to build new levels or custom tournaments.游戏通常都带有软件工具,玩家可用以构建新级别或定制比赛。We must build a more enterprising economy.我们必须构建一种更为开拓进取的经济体制。Her novel explores the construction of gender roles.她的小说探讨了性别角色的构建问题。Teachers can help build students' vocabulary knowledge by heightening their interest in words.老师们可以通过提高学生们对单词的兴趣来帮助他们构建词汇知识。There was pressure on academics to construct narratives of the period that were positive.学者们面临压力,要对这一段时间的事件构建一个正面的陈述。I still believe in the notion of an egalitarian society.我仍然信仰构建人人平等的社会的理念。Kingdoms, empires, churches and armies have all been structured into hierarchies.王国、帝国、教会和军队等都被构建成等级体系。It's difficult to construct a narrative out of a series of fast-moving events.很难把纷繁更迭的众多事件构建成一个故事。The data will enable us to construct a profile of the company's customers.这些数据能使我们构建该公司客户的情况图表。People develop constructs as internal ideas of reality in order to understand the world around them.人们在内心构建关乎现实的构念是为了认识周围世界。He eventually constructed a business empire which ran to Thailand and Singapore.他最终构建了一个延伸至泰国和新加坡的商业帝国。Einstein restructured modern physics.爱因斯坦重新构建了现代物理学。




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