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词汇 极致
例句 His arguments are simplistic to an extreme degree.他的论点简单到了极致的程度。If you follow that idea to its logical conclusion, we'd have to ban free speech altogether.如果把那种想法的逻辑推理到极致,那我们就必须要完全禁止言论自由了。This aromatic conditioning shampoo promotes the healthiest hair and scalp possible.这款香气四溢的护理型洗发露可以打造出极致健康的头发和头皮。That taxidermist displayed tremendous dexterity in making the tiger specimen looking alive.那位标本制作者展现出极致的灵巧让老虎的标本看起来栩栩如生。His imagination went into overdrive.他的想象力发挥到了极致The focus is on getting bums on seats, rather than artistic excellence.关键是要卖座,而不是追求艺术的极致They milked/exploited their advantage for all it was worth. 他们已经把优势发挥到了极致He wanted to satisfy himself that he had given his best performance.他想说服自己他已经发挥到极致了。Silk sheets added the final touch of luxury.丝质床单使豪华的氛围达到了极致Money is an all-consuming passion with them.他们对金钱的追求达到极致Their strategy is expansionist and imperialist, and it is greatest in effect, of course, when there is no countervailing power.他们的策略是扩张性的、带有帝国主义特色,当没有抗衡力量的时候自然也就被发挥到了极致It's not such a new idea, but I carried it to extremes.这不是什么新颖的想法,但我把它发挥到了极致Beryl has blonde helplessness down to a fine art when it suits her.只要需要,贝丽尔就能把金发美女的楚楚可怜表现到极致Birds exploit these wind patterns to the fullest.鸟类对各种风型的利用达到了极致These two buildings typify the rich extremes of Irish architecture.这两座建筑物体现了爱尔兰建筑风格的极致多变。He's often rude, and last night he was at his worst.他经常很无礼,昨晚无礼到了极致The hotel is described as "the ultimate in luxury".该宾馆被描述为“豪华的极致”。She has gained a reputation for creating books as perfect as is humanly possible.她因为在著书上追求极致之美而享有盛名。They didn't push the envelope further.他们并没有发挥到极致The poet wrings the last drop of meaning from every word.那位诗人把每个词都用到了极致,哪怕一丁点的意思也不放过。In Ancient Greece an oval face was the ideal of female beauty.在古希腊,鸭蛋脸是女性美的极致The car is the ultimate in motoring indulgence.这辆车可以让人拥有极致奢享的驾乘体验。




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