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词汇 松鼠
例句 Some animals, as the fox and squirrel, have bushy tails.有些动物,诸如狐和松鼠,有蓬毛尾巴。He made a sudden move that scared away the squirrel.他突然移动了一下,把松鼠吓跑了。The squirrel sat in the crook of the tree.松鼠坐在这棵树的打弯处。The dog ran after the squirrel.这只狗追逐松鼠Squirrels are storing up nuts for the winter.松鼠正在为过冬储存坚果。A plague of squirrels is threatening our forests.松鼠灾害正威胁到我们的森林。The dog started after the squirrel.那只狗开始追赶松鼠Squirrels bury hundreds of nuts, then dig them up in winter when food is scarce.松鼠把成百上千的坚果藏起来,然后在冬天食物缺乏的时候再挖出来吃。Such animals as foxes and squirrels have bushy tails.有些动物,如狐和松鼠,有蓬松的尾巴。Grey squirrels have been tearing bark from the trees.北美灰松鼠一直在剥树皮。Squirrels have an aptitude for storing food.松鼠有贮存食物的习性。Squirrels feed on nuts.松鼠以坚果为食。The squirrel cracked/opened the nut and ate the meat inside.松鼠破开/弄开坚果,吃里面的果仁。The squirrels crunched on the nuts.松鼠嘎吱嘎吱地嚼着坚果。The squirrel sat and ate the nut.松鼠坐着吃果仁。Squirrels had gnawed their way into the attic. 松鼠把阁楼咬出个洞,钻了进去。Squirrels were storing nuts for the winter.松鼠正在储存过冬的坚果。The squirrel's cheeks were bulging with nuts.松鼠的双颊鼓鼓囊囊地塞满了坚果。The squirrels are storing up nuts for the winter.松鼠正在为过冬储存坚果。The forests abound with deer, birds and squirrels.森林里有许许多多的鹿、鸟和松鼠The squirrel darted from branch to branch.松鼠在枝头上跳来跳去。The robust and pestilential grey squirrel thrived in the area while the red squirrel disappeared.这种体格强壮、具破坏性的灰松鼠在这一地区大量繁殖,而红松鼠则消失了。Early settlers caught rabbits and squirrels and even rats in order to survive.早期移民为了生存,捕捉野兔、松鼠甚至老鼠吃。A squirrel is an arboreal animal.松鼠是树栖动物。Squirrels bury nuts and seeds.松鼠会把坚果和种子埋起来。The grey squirrel was introduced into Britain from North America.松鼠是由北美引入英国的。Squirrels and hedgehogs hibernate.松鼠和猬是冬眠动物。Squirrels garner nuts for the winter.松鼠为过冬储存松果。The squirrel kept his hoard in a tree.这只松鼠把吃的东西藏在树里。The ruddy squirrels keep eating my birdseed!那些讨厌的松鼠总吃我的鸟食。The squirrel scampered across the lawn.松鼠蹦蹦跳跳蹿过草坪。




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