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例句 When the investigators arrived, he helped them excavate.调查人员来到后帮助他们进行挖掘。She followed the tracks as far as the road.她走了一条小路又一条小路来到路边。We walked down a narrow passage to the back of the building.我们沿着一条狭窄的通道来到大楼的后面。He came to California after a brief stint as a waiter in New York.他在纽约当了很短一段时间的服务员之后就来到了加利福尼亚。I found myself in a wide gallery looking down on the floor below.我发现自己已不知不觉来到了一个可以俯视楼下的宽敞廊台上。He believes we were put upon this earth for a purpose.他认为我们来到这个世界上是有目的的。We crossed the yard to my house.我们穿过花园来到我家。The bride arrived at the church in a rented limousine.新娘坐着一辆租来的豪华轿车来到了教堂。He arrived in Natal to see at first hand the effects of the recent heavy fighting.来到纳塔尔亲自了解最近发生的激烈冲突造成的后果。She arrived in London with all the naive innocence of a small-town girl.她带着小镇少女的幼稚和天真来到伦敦。Lots of crusties came into town for the festival.许多脏皮士来到镇上欢庆节日。He came to Wimbledon fresh from his victory in the American Open.他刚在美国公开赛上获得胜利,接着又来到温布尔登公开赛。I got to the concert early to get a good seat.为了弄个好座位,我早早就来到音乐会。A police officer attended the scene.一名警察来到现场。They arrived unannounced at my door.他们未打招呼就来到我家门口了。Dan skated up to him.丹滑着冰来到他的面前。The monument predates the arrival of the druids in Britain.这一遗迹在德鲁伊特来到不列颠前就已存在。Welcome to Edinburgh.欢迎来到爱丁堡。They went down to a small yard stacked high with rubbish.他们来到一个垃圾堆得高高的小院子。We come into the world with nothing.我们两手空空来到这个世界。They trekked out to the west coast in search of the mythical opportunities there.为了追寻传说中的机遇,他们艰苦跋涉来到西海岸。Someone came to the door and showed me in.有个人来到门前把我领了进去。By the time the summer came around, Kelly was feeling much better.夏天来到时,凯莉感觉好多了。After losing the game, Coach Saylor came to the press conference looking and sounding emotionally drained.比赛落败以后,塞勒教练来到新闻发布会上,他的面色和语气都显得疲惫。My sister Yvonne also came to live at Ockenden Cottage with me.姐姐伊冯娜也来到奥克肯登小屋和我一起住了。He arrived in casualty with multiple injuries to his head.来到急诊室,头部多处受伤。She walked through the crowded hallways to the locker room.她走过拥挤的过道来到更衣室。The arrival of a construction crew at their house attracted/sparked/aroused the curiosity of their neighbors.一群建筑工人来到他们家,这吸引/引发/引起了邻居们的好奇。She came to this country with a fairly meager English vocabulary, but she is learning more words every day.来到这个国家时英语词汇量很小,但是现在她每天都在学习更多的单词。I manoeuvred my way among the tables to the back corner of the place.我在桌子中间穿行,来到后面的角落里。It feels strange that I'm here again. = It feels strange to be here again.再次来到这儿,我感觉怪怪的。So you did make it to America, after all.那么,你终究还是成功地来到了美国。Microsoft came to Harvard Business School to recruit summer interns.微软公司来到哈佛商学院招募暑期实习生。More reinforcements were on the way.更多的增援部队正在来到Almost all immigrant groups have faced prejudice in their new countries.几乎所有的移民群体来到新国家后都受到了歧视。They came to Pisa and saw the leaning tower.他们来到了比萨也看到了斜塔。Winter has come around again.冬天又来到了。She went to the chapel where she dropped down on her knees.来到了小教堂,双膝跪地。Every visitor to Georgia is overwhelmed by the kindness, charm and hospitality of the people.来到佐治亚州的每位游客都被当地人的善良、可爱和热情好客所深深打动。Police went to an address in Sinclair Street in answer to a complaint.警察来到辛克莱街一户人家调查一宗投诉。




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