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词汇 coming back
例句 I dreaded coming back home.我害怕回家。We saw Moore coming back with a drink in his hand.我们看见穆尔回来,手里拿着一杯饮料。I have a strong feeling she's not coming back.我有一种强烈的感觉,她不会回来了。She's coming back later to get her things.稍后她要回来拿东西。I left with the idea that I'd come back later. = I left with the idea of coming back later.我带着还会回来的想法离开了。I don't want to build up her hopes if he's not coming back.如果他不会回来,我不想让她抱有希望。My idea of luxury used to be going out on the town and coming back in the early hours of the morning.我过去对奢侈的概念是夜晚在闹市通宵玩乐到清晨才回来。She broadly hinted that she wouldn't be coming back.她明白地暗示她将不再回来。He's got a cheek, coming back at midnight and then expecting me to cook his dinner.他真厚颜无耻,半夜回来竟还想我给他做晚饭吃。Part exchange is definitely coming back.以旧换新确实在回归。Short skirts are coming back.短裙子又开始流行了。She looked at me as if I was out to lunch and not coming back for a long time.她看着我,就像是我发疯了,好久都没清醒过来一样。Their failure to plan ahead is now coming back to haunt them.他们没能事先做好规划,现在麻烦来了。I dreaded coming back, to be honest.说实话,我生怕回来。Anita wasn't exactly jumping for joy when I told her Greg was coming back tomorrow.当我告诉阿妮塔格雷格明天要回来时,她并不显得特别高兴。The boy made away with the broken cup when he knew his father was coming back.小男孩知道父亲就要回来便把打碎的杯子藏起来。I didn't remember anything about the accident, but little by little, as I got better, memories started coming back to me.那场事故我一点也想不起来,不过随着伤势的好转,我一点一点地恢复了记忆。The team showed real character in coming back from two goals down.球队在落后两分的情况下赶上来,体现出真正的毅力。Short skirts were out of fashion for many years, but now they're coming back.短裙过时多年,但现在又再度流行起来。Hopefully, it will brighten up, or we'll be coming back early.但愿天气会放晴,否则我们就要提早回来。Christopher wised up to the fact that she wasn't coming back.克里斯托弗意识到她不会回来了。She saw Kurt and Eileen coming back from the beach, kissing and holding hands.她看见库尔特和艾琳从沙滩回来,手拉着手亲吻。People keep coming back night after night. 人们总是夜间回来。Simon was probably dead, and it was pointless to think he was coming back.西蒙很可能已经死了,认为他会回来是没有意义的。Dearest Maria, Aren't I terrible, not coming back like I promised?最亲爱的玛丽亚,我没有遵守承诺回来,是不是很差劲?I hate to disillusion you, but I don't think she's coming back.我真不愿意让你失望,但我想她是不会回来了。Henin gave a typically gritty performance, coming back from 4-0 down.海宁表现出一贯的坚毅,把零比四落后的比分扳回。She wrote him a letter saying that she was not coming back.她给他写了一封信,说自己不会回来了。I had forgotten a lot of what I learned about music, but it's all coming back to me now. 我曾把学过的许多音乐知识都忘了,但现在全都回想起来了。There was a certain symmetry to coming back to New York, where I started my artistic life all those years ago.多年前我在纽约开始了我的艺术生涯,重回纽约,生活似乎又回到了起点。It's no good fooling yourself. He's not coming back.自己骗自己没有用,他不会回来的。It's faster coming back across the Atlantic because of tailwinds.因为顺风,回程横渡大西洋时速度较快。The Wilsons were coming back from holiday today, and I was dreading telling them what had happened while they were away.威尔逊一家今天要度假回来了,我不敢把他们外出时发生的事告诉他们。You could feel the energy coming back to you from the audience.你可以感受到活力从观众回到自己身上来。The bottom line is, he's gone and he's not coming back.主要问题是他走了,不回来了。A lively atmosphere keeps people coming back to the café.欢快的气氛让人们成了这家咖啡店的回头客。Hopefully it will brighten up, or we'll be coming back early.希望天会放晴,否则我们就要提早回来。Top footballer Bobby Mimms loves coming back to the peace of his home village in North Yorkshire.顶级足球运动员博比·米姆斯喜欢回到北约克郡安静的家乡小村去。I couldn't see myself coming back before noon.我认为我午前不可能赶回来。When are you coming back to the stage?你什么时候重返舞台?




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