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词汇 anatomy
例句 This was a troubling essay on the anatomy of nationhood.这是一篇剖析民族主义的让人不安的文章。For the first time, we have the chance to examine the anatomy of a secret government operation.我们第一次有机会研究秘密政府行动的运作过程。This class requires a rudimentary knowledge of human anatomy.这门课要求具备人体解剖学的基本知识。We studied the anatomy of the snake.我们研究了蛇的解剖结构。An understanding of human anatomy is important to a dancer.对于一个舞蹈演员来说,通晓一些人体解剖学知识非常重要。He had pains in various parts of his anatomy.他身体的很多部位都感到疼痛。The ball hit him in the most sensitive part of his anatomy.球击中了他身上最敏感的部位。He still tutors medical students in anatomy.他仍然给医学专业的学生上解剖学课。He was hit in a rather sensitive part of his anatomy.他被击中了一个相当敏感的部位。He later became professor of anatomy at Kiel.后来他成为基尔大学的解剖学教授。You could see a part of his anatomy that I'd rather not mention.你都能看到他的某个身体部位,是什么部位我就不想说了。Those are parts of your anatomy that we'd rather not hear about.那些就是我们不愿听人说起的人体部位。Some students were traumatized by the anatomy classes, while others were unaffected.有些学生上解剖课时有过痛苦经历,有些则没有受影响。I'm studying human anatomy.我正在学习人体解剖学。She wore an outfit that showed off various parts of her anatomy.她穿了一套很暴露的服装。He had studied anatomy at Oxford.他在牛津学的是解剖学。The book is an anatomy of life in the inner city.这本书对旧城区生活进行了剖析。He read the anatomy book and memorized the terms.他读了这本解剖学的书,记住了那些术语。We had to take a class on/in anatomy.我们要上一堂解剖学课。Knowledge of human anatomy is essential to figure drawing.人体解剖学知识对于人体素描是极其重要的。Professor Day teaches anatomy.戴教授教解剖学。She took a course in anatomy and physiology.她学习了解剖生理学课程。On which part of her anatomy is she tattooed?她的纹身刺在什么部位?He had worked extensively on the anatomy of living animals.他在动物活体解剖方面经验丰富。I'm taking a class in comparative anatomy/literature.我正在学习比较解剖学/文学的课程。The ball hit him excruciatingly in the most sensitive part of his anatomy.球打在他身体最敏感的部位,让他疼痛不已。




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