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词汇 机会均等
例句 We are dedicated to the principle of equal opportunity.我们奉行机会均等的原则。None of them is expecting any favours, just a fair crack of the whip.他们谁也不期望受到任何特殊照顾,只希望机会均等Most large companies these days operate an equal opportunities policy.如今,多数大公司都施行一种机会均等的政策。Equality of opportunity has been the government's guiding principle in its education reforms.机会均等”一直是这个国家教育改革的指导原则。The advert said "We are an equal opportunities employer".招聘广告写着“我们的用人原则:人人机会均等”。Everyone should have an even chance.人人都应机会均等We are fully committed to Equal Opportunity policies.我们完全支持机会均等政策。At any gambling game, everyone is equal.在任何赌博游戏中,每个人都机会均等She played a key role in campaigning for equal opportunities in the workplace.她在争取工作场所机会均等的运动中起到了关键作用。We talk glibly of equality of opportunity.我们信口开河地谈论机会均等问题。The city is refusing contracts to firms that do not practice an equal opportunities policy.该市拒绝跟没有实行机会均等政策的公司签合同。He is a champion of equal opportunities for all races.他是一个为各种族机会均等而奋斗的人。Sport is a great equalizer in schools.体育运动是学校里人人都机会均等的重要项目。Staff should be aware of equal-opportunities issues.员工应该有机会均等意识。




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