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词汇 closed
例句 The doors closed shut behind me.我一出来门就严严实实地关上了。The conference, which closed yesterday, was a prelude to a Communist Party Central Committee meeting.昨天结束的会议拉开了共产党中央委员会会议的序幕。The question is closed.这个问题不再讨论了。I had scarcely closed the door when the doorbell rang again.我刚关上门,门铃又响了。She closed her eyes tight.她紧紧地闭上了眼睛。She tipped back in her seat and closed her eyes.她往椅子上一靠,闭上了眼睛。The main road is closed, so you'll need to find some other way to get there.主干道封闭了,你得找别的路去那儿。She looked at him from under half-closed lids.她眯着眼睛看着他。He closed the door to shut out the sound of the rain.他关上门,以便不受雨声干扰。Large areas of the city have been closed off by barricades set up by the demonstrators.城市中大片地区被示威者设立的路障封锁了。We had arrived in Biarritz out of season and most of the hotels were closed.我们在旅游淡季到达比亚里茨,那时大部分旅馆都已歇业。We have closed the book on apartheid.我们已经不再实行种族隔离政策。Analysts said the outlook was favourable after stock markets closed on Friday.分析家们说股市星期五收盘后前景乐观。The municipality has/have closed the swimming pool.市政当局已关闭了那个游泳池。When she applied for promotion, the male managers all closed ranks and made sure she didn't get it.她申请升职时,所有男经理都联合起来,不让她成功。York Road will be closed and delays are likely as a result.约克路将被封闭,很可能会造成一些延误。She gently closed the door behind her.她轻轻关上了身后的门。Our legislators have closed their eyes to the poverty that surrounds them.我们的立法者对他们周围的贫穷现象熟视无睹。The library is closed over Christmas.圣诞节期间图书馆闭馆。It would have been better if they'd closed the road for a short period of time while the repairs were done.修路的时候,他们还是封路一段时间较好。His eyes closed halfway, making him look forbidding.他的眼睛半闭着,这使他看上去令人生畏。She sank back on the pillow and closed her eyes, breathing heavily as if asleep.她一头倒回枕头上闭起了眼睛,呼吸浊重,就像睡着了似的。The pool is closed due to the approaching storm.由于暴风雨将至,游泳池现在关闭。I had a closed mind at first, but now I understand the need for change.起初,我的思想很保守,但现在我明白了变革的必要性。The women shut themselves behind closed doors to weave their cloth.妇女们把自己关在屋里织布。Oil fell after the market closed in the US.美国的股市关闭以后油价下跌了。The Prime Minister said that today's closed meeting with the President was particularly constructive.首相说,今天与总统的秘密会晤具有特别的建设性意义。I walked out and closed the door behind me.我走了出来,随手带上了门。This road is closed to motor vehicles.这条路机动车禁止通行。Because of drought the government closed the woodlands.政府因干旱封闭了林区。Her eyes closed, and she fell into a deep sleep.她闭上眼睛,沉沉睡去。Many men were made idle as the mills closed down.很多人因为工厂倒闭而无事可做。She watched him from behind half-closed eyelids.她从半闭的眼睛缝里看着他。The stock market reversed course and closed with a modest gain.股市一改常规,以小幅上涨收盘。The meeting was closed to the public.本次会议不对外公开。The camera slowly closed in on the actor's face.镜头缓缓地向演员的脸部推进。I've just had an awful thought. What if all the banks are closed?我刚才有个可怕的想法:如果所有的银行都关了怎么办?She closed her eyes against the brightness of the sun.面对太阳的光芒,她闭起双目。The road was closed to traffic after the accident, and the police were warning everyone off.道路在车祸后被封闭,警察警告大家不得靠近。He closed the door quietly behind him.他轻轻地随手把门关上。




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