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Our commentator will now set the scene in the stadium.本台播音员接下来要介绍体育馆现场的实况。We now turn to our political correspondent reporting from the nation's capital.现在我们转播本台政治新闻记者来自该国首都的报道。We're closing down for the night: tune in again tomorrow morning!本台广播今晚到此结束,请明早继续收听!We now go over to our correspondent in Lisbon for a report on the election.现在我们转到本台驻里斯本记者报道选举情况。Now we're going live to our reporter in Washington for up-to-the-minute news on the crisis.现在我们将连线本台驻华盛顿的记者,现场报道关于该危机的最新消息。Stay tuned for the news.稍后请继续收听本台新闻。 |