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例句 They are taking a hard-headed commercial decision.他们正在作出一项清醒冷静的商业决策。I like her but she's a bit muddle-headed.我喜欢她,但她有点稀里糊涂的。The cross was headed away by Baines on the far post.传中球被远门柱处的巴恩斯顶出。She was always keen to shake off the early typecasting as the empty-headed sex symbol.她一直渴望摆脱早期扮演的头脑简单的性感偶像的固定形象。He is a trustworthy and level-headed leader.他是个头脑冷静、值得信赖的领导。Everyone headed for the beach on that sweltering summer afternoon.在那个酷热的夏日午后,人人都奔向沙滩。Joanna swung back on to the main approach and headed for the airport.乔安娜猛地调转车头回到主路上,朝机场开去。She was stubborn, pig-headed and totally unable to see things from anyone's point of view but her own.她既固执又愚蠢,根本不会从别人的角度看问题。We headed off in a northwesterly direction.我们向西北方向进发。He thinks all athletes are just empty-headed jocks.他认为所有的运动员都只是四肢发达头脑简单的人。We headed straight back to school.我们直接返回了学校。She grabbed her purse and headed out the door.她一把抓起手袋,走出了门。The rebels headed for the border but government troops were still at their heels.叛军开往边境,可政府军仍紧追不舍。She wheeled around sharply and headed for the exit.她突然转身,然后朝出口走去。You are a pig-headed stubborn mule.你真是固执得像头牛。Mason headed towards the house, stumbling on the rough ground.梅森朝屋子走去,在高低不平的地上跌跌撞撞。His career is clearly headed for the stratosphere.他无疑正在步入职业生涯的巅峰。She headed out early this morning.她今天一大早就出去了。His level-headed approach suggests he will do what is necessary.他这人做事沉稳冷静,会见机行事的。Making a sharp U-turn, she headed back.她猛地掉转车头,往回开。The storm is headed in a northwesterly direction.暴风雨向西北移动。He hit the gas pedal and headed off.他一踩油门,开走了。One of the jets peeled off from the formation and headed back.有一架喷气式飞机脱离编队返航。He headed the ball into the net, after a great cross from Pele. 他接贝利一记精妙横传,一甩头把球送入了网窝。The drop in trading suggests the Asian economies may be headed for recession.贸易下滑显示亚洲的经济可能正在走向衰退。That misfired rocket headed for the island with hypersonic speed.那个误射的飞弹以超高音速朝小岛飞去。We headed west for two days.我们向西走了两天。We headed southeast.我们向东南方行进。The boat headed upriver.船向上游驶去。Johnson tossed back the rest of his Scotch, and headed to the bar.约翰逊把剩下的苏格兰威士忌一饮而尽,朝酒吧走去。We're headed into virgin territory with these new regulations.这些新规则让我们迈进了新的领域。The cyclists quickly picked up speed as they headed down the mountain.自行车手们从山上冲下来的时候迅速加快了速度。This crew of killers and life-wreckers are headed by the mad but cunning Nino Brown.这个残害生命的杀人团伙以疯狂而狡猾的尼诺·布朗为首。The boat headed for shore.船向岸边驶去。The helicopter took off and headed north. Then it looped west, heading for the hills.直升机起飞后向北飞行,接着又兜向西边,朝山那边飞去。She offers a clear-headed analysis of the politics behind the war.她对战争背后的政治作了清醒的分析。If you skip breakfast, your blood sugar level will drop and you will probably feel light-headed.如果不吃早餐,血糖含量就会降低,你很可能会觉得晕眩。I hopped out of bed, got dressed, and headed off to work.我跳下床,穿上衣服就赶去上班了。That is a grotesque painting with two-headed animals with wings.那是幅风格怪异的画有带翼双头兽的作品。We went to a wilderness outfitters to buy some new camping gear before we headed into the Rockies.去洛基山之前,我们去了一家野外活动专门店买了一些新的露营装备。




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