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词汇 未知
例句 What remains to be seen now is whether it is too late to save the rainforests.现在未知的问题是抢救雨林是否已经太迟。A fire on the ship killed a hundred or more passengers - some likely victims are still unaccounted for. 船上的大火让一百多名乘客丧生,可能还有些人生死未知This new project will take us into uncharted territory.这个新项目将带领我们进入未知的领域。As instructed, I cut my lifeline to the bank and leapt into unproven waters.像指示的那样,我把我的生命线系到了银行上跳进了这未知的领域里。Its precise chemical properties are unknown.其确切的化学特性未知This is the story of the first astronauts and their journey into the unknown.这是讲述首批宇航员及其探索未知世界之旅的故事。His anxiety about the outcome melted, to return later but not yet.他对未知结果的焦虑消散了,这种焦虑过后还会袭上心头,但至少现在还没有。They ventured fearlessly into unknown lands.他们毫不畏惧,冒险进入到未知的土地。They were sent to explore unknown regions of Africa.他们被派去勘查非洲的未知地域。Much remains undecided about his future.对于他的将来尚有许多未知There is a question mark hanging over his future.他的未来被笼上了一层未知His greatest danger now lay in the unknown denizens of the water.现在他最大的危险是未知的水中居住者。It would be improper of me to comment before the election outcome is known.在选举结果未知的情况下我要作出评论是不恰当的。They were about to set forth on a voyage into the unknown.他们即将启航去探索那个未知世界。But the accuracy of these scans is unknown.但是这些扫描的精确度是未知的。He is seeking unspecified damages from the airlines for personal injury.他正寻求向航空公司索取人身伤害赔偿,金额未知We resist change because of fear of the unknown.我们抗拒变革是因为对未知的恐惧。I prefer the dangers that I knew to those I knew not.我宁冒已知的而不冒未知的危险。She was willing to accept the challenge of the unknown.她乐于接受未知事物的挑战。There are still a great many unknown insect species in the world.世界上仍有许许多多未知的昆虫种类。He claims that there were unknown forces guiding the outcome of the election.他宣称有未知力量在操控着选举结果。He was a reporter; a conduit between the known world and the unknown.他是一名记者,是已知世界和未知世界之间的媒介。The fear of the unknown prevents many people from making significant changes in their lives.未知事物的恐惧使许多人不敢对自己的生活作出重大改变。The doctors have attributed the cause of the illness to an unknown virus.医生们认为这种疾病是由一种未知的病毒引起的。One vital area of the country remains a terra incognita for most foreigners.那个国家有一至关重要的地区对外国人来说仍然是个未知地区。How did you expect us to proceed on such a perilous expedition, through unknown terrain.你怎么能指望我们如此冒险地穿越未知的地域,继续这一探险?This action represents a leap into the unknown.这个行动是对未知事物的大胆探索。Fear of the unknown is what brings out prejudice.未知事物的恐惧是偏见之源。It was a perilous expedition through unknown territory.这是一次穿越未知地域的危险之旅。Starting her own business was a lurch into the unknown.自己创业对她来说是闯入了未知的世界。They face an uncertain future.他们面对的是一个充满未知的未来。Radiation may damage cells in a way that was previously unforeseen.辐射可能以某种前所未知的方式破坏细胞。Motherhood was for her a journey into the unknown.做母亲对她来说是开始一次未知之旅。Explorers penetrated deep into unknown regions.探险者深入到了未知的地区。Ignorance of people brings fear, fear of the unknown.人们的无知会带来恐惧,对未知事物的恐惧。Space is filled with unknown stars and uncharted galaxies.宇宙中满是未知的星球和未标明的星系。All weddings are a leap in the dark.所有婚礼都是一场未知的冒险。Starting a new relationship with someone is always a journey into the unknown.开展一段新的恋爱关系总是像去探索一个未知的世界一样。




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